Everyone wishes men and women were equal, but one side will always have distinctive benefits.
That’s not to say that the other is continuously better. It’s just that nature gave each one distinguishable characteristics.
To confirm that, we’ve listed 18 astonishing traits only women can do.
The Baby’s Coming!
“Give birth.”
Sorry guys, no matter how hard you try, you’ll never be able to have a baby. Unless you’re a seahorse…
Mmm…I Really Like You
“The way women flirt would never fly for a guy. They tend to feel up dudes with no repercussion.”
Touch a guy and he kinda likes it. If a guy touches a woman…
I Have to Go to the Toilet
“Use the opposite gender’s restroom without being considered a creep.”
When nature calls, and the female restroom has a mile-long queue, what other options does a girl have?
It’s My Extra Storage
“Use their bra as a pocket.”
Females can be great at thinking outside of the box for solutions.
I’m So Tipsy
“Go out to a club broke and come home drunk.”
People love to buy women drinks…
You Go, Girl!
“Mouth off to and physically assault a guy who is bigger than her.”
No matter how big guys are, they’ll never dare take on a raging woman.
Check This Out
“Show their cleavage to get into clubs.”
Maybe they’ll even waive the entry fee…
It’s Okay to Be Touchy-Feely
“Hug and lightly touch each other in a non-sexual way, without being assumed they are gay.”
Girls can walk down the street holding hands, and people don’t bat an eyelid. Yet, if it were a couple of guys doing the same thing…
Kiddie Time
“Be alone with children.”
Society continually portrays men as somewhat deviant when it comes to being with children.
I’m Off…
“Throw a glass of water at someone of the opposite gender that you dislike and walk away.”
If a guy did this to a girl or another guy, all hell would break loose.
Let’s Dance
“Well, this comes with caveats, but I find that straight women can do things like dance with other straight women without getting all homophobic, whereas if two guys dance, either they must be gay, or it’s weird.”
Yep. Two guys dancing together can make things awkward.
What’s That You’ve Got On?
“Wear a sundress.”
Let’s be honest. Some males love to dress womanly.
Wipe Those Tears
“Cry in public. Recently, I took my cat in to get checked because he was acting weird. I was told he had severe anemia, and if he didn’t pull through within a few days, I may have to put him down because I didn’t have $2000 on the spot to give him a blood transfusion. The second I got home, I cried like a baby. But you can bet your money I didn’t cry when I got the news in the vet’s office.”
When women cry in public, people run to her aid. A guy tries it, and he gets an unsympathetic look.
Please Help Me
“Display weakness.”
If a guy acts weak, he becomes the butt of the joke and is labeled a “wimp.”
I’m a Queen!
“Act completely obnoxious and irrational in public without worrying about anyone punching her in the face…”
No one dares to hit a girl, even if she is acting stuck-up and demanding.
We’ll Be Back Soon
“Go to the bathroom together.”
If a bunch of guys goes to the restroom together, it comes across as weird.
I’m Not Allowed To
“Be controlling of their boyfriend. Someone pointed out previously on an online forum that when a guy tells his social group that he can’t go out with the group because his girlfriend won’t let him, people just kind of laugh and shrug it off. When a girl says she can’t go out because her boyfriend won’t let her, everyone becomes concerned that he is too controlling and may have some deep emotional problems.”
Sure, we are free to make our own decisions. But get your facts straight before flinging the accusations.
You’re so…Not Tall!
“Being short. For women, it’s cool. For guys, it’s a curse.”
Snow White seemed to enjoy hanging out with shorter guys.
It’s Great Being a Woman
Ah, woman. You have so much going for you. Things that men get envious of.
Revel in power!