Family Boycotts Son’s Wedding After He Refuses to Seat Mom at Head Table, but We Say He’s in the Right!”

A groom-to-be recently turned to Am I The A**hole to vent his frustration at his family’s attitude towards his upcoming wedding.

The original poster (OP)gave insight into this family background, explaining that he grew up in a small family that consisted of him, his mom, and his sister while his dad was not around too much.

His mom remarried when the OP was a teenager, and he has now become close to his step-siblings.

However, things became strained a few years ago after a family argument that meant he hardly spoke to his mom and sister but was still very close to his grandparents.

While he has never poorly said of his mom, his wider family knows they are not on speaking terms. All seemed well as it was, but things got complicated when it came to wedding invitations.

The OP plans to invite his mom and sister, but seemingly this is to be civil rather than wanting them there.

His Grandad picked up on this and said that he and the wider family would not attend the wedding if his Mum were uncomfortable attending.

The OP went on to explain that he was not quite sure how to take his Grandfather’s comment but then said that it had come to light that the family had been talking about the seating arrangements at the wedding.

He explained that the plans were to have the bride’s parents, the best man, and the maid of honor at the top table but not his mom. The family now demands that the OP’s mom sit at the top table so she is not publicly shamed, despite how much it will upset the groom.