Delicious Carrot Cake Cupcakes

Just wait until you try these delicious carrot cake cupcakes. They’re “melt in your mouth” delicious and simple to make!


INGREDIENTS  carrots eggs oil flour cinnamon salt baking soda baking powder walnuts butter, softened confectioner sugar milk vanilla

Start by lining the cupcake pan  Next, shred up your carrots and chop your walnuts into small pieces.

Then, beat your eggs until they are light and frothy. Slowly beat in the oil

Once done, add in your salt and sugar and mix well.

Sift together your cinnamon, flour, baking powder, and baking soda. Slowly add your flour mixture to your egg mixture.

After that is done, carefully fold in your carrots and walnuts. Put the mixture into the cake liners or greased cake pan and fill 3/4 full.

Put in the oven and bake for 18-20 minutes at 375 degrees. Once done, take them out of the oven and set them on a wire rack to cool. 

They need to be cooled completely before decorating.