Wedding Day Woes: Husband’s Request to Walk Sister Down the Aisle Leads to Major Blowout With Wife

A woman reached out to followers of Am I The A**hole (AITA) on Reddit to ask if she was unreasonable about not wanting her husband to walk his sister down the aisle.

She explained that her sister-in-law was estranged from her father. Although they are on their way to reconciliation, she wants her brother to walk her down the aisle on her special day.

From what the original poster (OP) said, the sister and brother are very close and see each other several times a week.

As her sister-in-law, known as Beth, had invited her father to the wedding, the OP assumed that the father would walk the bride down the aisle.

The OP disagreed with Beth not wanting her father to walk her down the aisle, insisting that “This role isn’t for her older brother but her father” and worrying that her father-in-law would be upset by being left out.

The OP faced opposition from her husband when she told him Beth’s decision was wrong and was dismayed when her husband said she was being unreasonable.

The OP cannot understand why her sister-in-law wants her brother to walk her down the aisle. In contrast, her husband is honored at the thought of it. This has led to severe arguments, with all parties struggling to end the conflict.

One person stated that “There was no conflict except for YOUR (unwanted) opinion,” and others agreed, saying, “I fully sympathize with the siblings here, and OP needs to butt the hell out of it.”.

The OP’s post backfired with many pressing sympathies for the siblings rather than her. One commentator said, “I don’t understand your problem. It’s her wedding.