Feline-Inspired Brainteasers: Can You Solve These Cat Riddles?

Rosey Petals was a big girl who loved all her little cats. She had several in fact, and they were all different colors. All but two of them were white as fresh sheets.

All but two of them were as black as a night sky. All but two of them were completely brown, with little speckles around their nose.

How many cats does Rosey Petals actually have?

CATS CROSSING A very long time ago there was a girl, a horse and a cat. They went on a long journey together, eventually coming to a bridge.

The girl rode her horse over the bridge, Yet walked. How is this possible?

TWO CATS AND THEIR LINEAGE There are two cats that are sitting curled up together on a windowsill, one is a big cat and the other is a little kitten.

WHAT? THREE CATS? There was a cat that had three kittens, and those three kittens were called Larry, Moe, and Curly.

The three kittens all loved their mother, whose name was What. What, therefore, is the mother’s name?