How to Remove Cement on Tiles



Cement is a notoriously difficult substance to remove – even from ceramic tiles. Despite the smooth nature of the tiles, dried cement doesn’t just scrape off.



However, if your tiles are merely affected by small flicks of cement, using a bit of white vinegar dabbed onto a cloth should do the trick.

Removing Cement From Tiles

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: – White vinegar  – Flat head screwdriver – Phosphoric Acid Cleaner – Tampico brush or metal scouring pad – Sponges – Soft cloths

The Method:

1. Apply the white vinegar to a clean, dry cloth. Leave it saturated for an hour or so. If the temperature is warm, you may need to keep applying coats of white vinegar, as they will keep evaporating.

Removing Cement From Tiles

– Place a vinegar-soaked cloth over the stains if heat/sunshine keeps evaporating the vinegar on its own. – Remove the cement ASAP. Try not to let it set into concrete. – Keep cement out of reach of children and pets.

Why Is Cement So Hard to Get Right Now?

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the supply chain of materials coming to the US from China and India has drastically slowed down as many production plants overseas have closed and lost money.

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