How to Remove Yellow Condensation Stains From the Ceiling



Yellow condensation stains often come from when there has been a leak in the roof of your home, or if it’s somewhere in your bathroom, it could be due to a lack of appropriate ventilation. The water then dries and causes the yellow staining.



Yellow stains on your ceiling can look unsightly but they can be removed. However, it is best to find what it is that has leaked, whether that’s a pipe that needs some plumbing attention, and fix it, rather than just covering up the staining.

Can I Just Paint Over the Stain on the Ceiling?

You could, but this is not advised as the stain is likely to keep coming back. Oh this better to address why the stain has happened and fix it.

Can Cigarette Smoke Cause Yellow Stains to the Ceiling?

Yes it can cause yellow stains to the ceiling and it can also cause yellow stains to the walls and curtains.

Are Yellow Stains on the Ceiling Mold?

Mold is more commonly green or black in color but sometimes it can be yellow. If the stain is mold, it can appear fuzzy to the surface.

What Do Yellow Cigarette Smoke Stains Look Like on the Ceiling?

Cigarette smoke, or nicotine stains will not have a clearly defined edge to the stain like water stains do. It will also appear darker.

What Is the Best Primer to Use on Yellow Stains?

Oil based primer is the best to use on yellow stains on the ceiling. It is harder to clean up however, as it is not water soluble.

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