How to Clean a Wooden Table That Is Sticky



Wooden tables are very durable but over time they can become stained and sticky. Tables for home and commercial are often finished with oils, stains, paints, and resins which can wear off over time.



We take a look at the best products for cleaning wooden tables and how you can look after your table to prevent stickiness. Ranging from varnishes and homemade solutions, we have all of your table cleaning needs covered. 

Why Does My Wooden Table Get Sticky?

If you begin to notice a sticky or gummy residue on your wooden table it is time to take action. You may take good care of your table and are wondering how it got sticky in the first place.

Cleaning Dark Wood Tables

1. Use a microfibre cloth to get rid of any dust from the table so that it can be cleaned the best you can. 2. Rinse the cloth out well if you are planning to use the same one or, for ease, take a clean cloth before moving on to the next step.

Cleaning Light Wood Tables

You can try the vinegar and water solution as this should work on any type of wood but a lot of pf people choose tea as a cleaning agent for light wood.

Problematic Dirt

If you have tried the above methods of cleaning your dark or light wood table and your table is still feeling sticky there are other options.

Removing Cup Stains From Your Table

You should dab the mixture onto a clean cloth and use it to wipe around the ring stain. Once the stain looks to be gone you should take another clean cloth and wipe the mixture off the table and then polish as normal.

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