How to Prevent Birds From Pooping on Your Car



It is universally accepted that birds are beautiful and largely harmless creatures, which we should strive to protect at all costs. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t tackle the nasty price we have to pay with their unsightly and stubborn poop stains all over our cars.



Luckily, we can utilise many valuable techniques, from parking more strategically to covering your mirrors. Some minor adjustments to your routine can go a long way to solving this pesky problem in no time. 

Why Do They Do It?

Birds are present on every continent and are said to be some of the most versatile creatures on earth. So it is even more remarkable that they still manage to poop all over your vehicle with access to the entire planet.

How to Avoid Bird Popping on Your Vehicle

Although birds rarely cause us any harm, more just a minor annoyance, it doesn’t mean you should not try and prevent them from going about their business on your car.

Ultrasonic Speaker

A specialised and specifically designed solution is an excellent option to take on your friendly neighbourhood birds. You can now purchase a purpose build speaker that emits an ultrasonic sound only birds can hear.

Bird Deterrent Statue

A less invasive option compared to the ultrasonic speaker, a physical predator statue might be a more appropriate option for you. These are purely physical deterrents that will only affect birds in a more specific area.

Consider Your Vehicle Color

There have been some studies to suggest that birds are more attracted to red cars and, by extension, fall prey to more pooping divebombs. This could be a serious consideration if you live in an area with a large bird population.

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