Ways to Get Your Tile Floor Shining



There’s nothing better than the shine of a fresh tile. Even if the rest of your bathroom is a mess, a squeaky clean floor can change the feel of the room.



Unfortunately, although many of us try to maintain the shine of a freshly installed bathroom tile, the sheen fades over time. This isn’t because you have been neglecting your floor; it’s sadly just a part of the aging process of a tile.

Why Isn’t My Tile Floor Shiny Anymore?

You may wonder why your tile no longer gleams as it used it, despite mopping it every other week. Well, the most apparent reason is a build-up of dirt and grime.

How Do I Make My Tile Floor Shine Again?

The perfect method for you is determined by the type of type you have in your bathroom. For example, certain porous tile materials, such as porcelain and stone, are sensitive to acids, meaning you can’t use certain products on them.

Soapy Water

It’s best to start simple and gentle. There’s no need to introduce harsh chemicals unless necessary.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is the unsung miracle product many of us have in the back of the pantry. It’s essential in making cakes and bakes, but it’s also a super effective cleaning agent.

White Vinegar

As stated previously, acid can erode certain tile types. Vinger is highly acidic, so check the type of tile you have before attempting this method.

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