4 Methods to Remove Gum From Concrete



Gum may seem like an innocent, refreshing snack. However, the sweet little treat is sticky and difficult to clean from almost any surface.



Fortunately, there are several methods you can try to remove gum that is stuck to the concrete.

Prevention Is Easier Than Fixing

Gum is a nightmare to deal with, particularly on concrete. Concrete is covered in lots of tiny pores, with the gum seeping into and clinging onto each one.

Method 1: Removing Fresh Gum From Concrete Using Ice

If you’re trying to remove a piece of fresh gum from the ground that has not yet penetrated the porous surface, get to work fast.

Method 2: Power Washing

You’re in luck if you have access to a pressure washing machine. Using a power washer is one of the most effective and easy ways to remove multiple pieces of gum at once.

Method 3: Using Chemicals to Remove Gum From Concrete

First, thoroughly clean the surface with soap and water. Then, apply detergent to the affected areas. Detergents aren’t super heavy duty; thus, it’s unlikely they will entirely remove the stain, but they may make it less visible.

Method 4: DIY Cleaning Solution

You can use some home remedies to remove gum residue from concrete. Using either orange peel oil or a paint stripper is effective at gum removal.

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