How to Remove Stain From Wood Without Sanding

How to Remove Stain From Wood Without Sanding

How to Remove Stain From Wood Without Sanding



There is a piece of wooden furniture that you want to freshen up. It has stains on it that need removing.



Using sandpaper has crossed your mind, but you are concerned that it will cause marks and scratches in the wood. What can you do?

Removing the Stains

Stains can be caused by water, alcohol, oils, paint, or wood varnish. The way you tackle the stain is determined by what created it.

Removing Alcohol Stains From Wood

You can use cooking oil to get rid of those white alcohol rings from your wood. The rings are formed when moisture is trapped beneath the wood’s finish.

Eliminating Water Stains From Wood

The way you deal with water stains depends on what color they are. Those that are dark will require stripping away the finish and applying a fresh coat.

Removing Dark Stains From Wood

Another way to remove any darkened stains from your wood is to use vinegar. Again, look at the previous section on how to use vinegar.

How to Use Paint Thinner to Remove Stains From Wood.

Because you are using paint thinner for this process, ensure you take proper safety measures. Wear personal safety gear: goggles and gloves.

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