How to Clean Chamois


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How to Clean Chamois



Chamois leather is a staple for the glove compartment of your car, but it will only work if you learn how to store, clean, and look after them.



The methods for cleaning and care are simple, but there are a few things you should avoid doing.

What Not to Do

Before we begin, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the dos and donts of chamois leather care.

Best Ways to Clean Chamois Leather Cloths

Cleaning chamois is pretty simple and requires only 2 ingredients. Water and gentle soap. Ideally, you should use car soap.

How Can I Tell if My Chamois Is Properly Cleaned?

1. It softens easily when re-wetted. 2. It doesn’t leave particles or lint when cleaning your car. 3. It doesn’t crack easily or develop holes.

How Do I Store Chamois?

Avoid storing it somewhere damp and humid. And if you want extra brownie points, store your chamois cloth in a sealed container to protect it from dirt, dust, and moisture.

Restoring the Chamois Oils.

To re-condition the leather chamois, and ensure it doesn’t dry stiff as a board, it’s a good idea to periodically recondition the leather.

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