6 Ways to Make My Rug Fluffy Again                                                                                                      



Rugs can go from luxurious to tacky quickly once they lose their fluff and softness. However, there are plenty of methods to try to revive your rug. First, vacuum the rug thoroughly.



Then, you can steam clean the rug with an iron or steam cleaner or blow dry the area. Alternatively, you can deep clean the rug to revive it using some vinegar and water.

Best Ways to Make Your Rug Fluffy Again

You should select the method best suited to your needs and what you already have in your home. And, if one method doesn’t work, simply try another!

Method 1: Vacuum

The suction from the vacuum can do a good job of pulling at the fibres of the rug, fluffing them a little.

Method 2: Steam Cleaning

By steam clean, we don’t just mean with a steam cleaner; you can also use household objects like a towel and an iron to get the job done.

Method 3: Blowdry

This method works similarly to steam cleaning, but with less moisture and more movement from the blowdryer.

Method 4: Put Some Ice on It

Once the ice cube has melted, run your fingers through the dented patch to ruffle up the fibers. Afterward, vacuum the area.

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