How to Clean Baseboards Without Bending Over                                                                                                      



Making your life easier is the aim of the game for the weekly or monthly deep clean.



You want to make every task as quick and as pain-free as possible. From deep cleaning the fridge to getting rid of those stains on the sofa and even cleaning the baseboards.

How to Clean Baseboards- The Standard Way

If you don’t mind bending over or having someone help, this is how you can adequately clean the baseboards.

What You’ll Need:

– A broom of the vacuum cleaner. – Cleaning cloths. – A bucket. – Water. – Liquid dish soap. – A magic eraser (optional).

Step 1: Prepare.

Before jumping right into cleaning, you first need to move any objects touching the baseboards. Doing this all at once is easier than moving things as you go.

Step 2: Dust or Vacuum.

Try to sweep up or vacuum any dust that falls to the floor because otherwise, it will get kicked up into the air and re-settle on the baseboards and other furniture.

Step 3: Clean.

Inspect the baseboards for scuffs or black marks, and use a magic eraser to remove them. Finally, dry the baseboards with a clean, dry cloth.

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