250 Positive Affirmations for Kids

Positive affirmations for kids are one of the most incredible things that we can provide as parents, or as adults in general.

For a long time, people have spoken about positive self-talk and positive self-images but there wasn’t always a specific term for those positive things we said to ourselves. 


In recent years, positive affirmations of various kinds have been gaining popularity and there are great reasons behind it. People utilize them in a number of ways and they can be customized to fit just about any theme or life stage a person is in.


I firmly believe that we manifest our own destiny and choose our mood, each and every day. If we raise our children knowing that they have the power and control to be happy, healthy, and confident we are doing a great service to future generations. 

POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS FOR KIDS: 1. I have the power to make my dreams true 2. I strive to do my best every day 3. I trust my intuition 4. I trust the wisdom in me 5. I accept myself for who I am 6. I accomplish great results 7. I act responsibly 8. I always find ways to overcome challenges 9. I am a bright student 10. I am a good friend

MORE AFFIRMATIONS FOR KIDS: 1. I am thankful for being who I am 2. I am thankful for today 3. I am thoughtful and kind 4. I am trustworthy 5. I am unique 6. I am very creative 7. I am whole 8. I am working on myself 9. I am worthwhile of all the love and happiness in the world 10. I approve of myself

EVEN MORE AFFIRMATIONS: 1. I forgive others for their mistakes 2. I can take it one step at a time 3. I choose my own attitude 4. I deserve to be happy 5. I enjoy learning 6. I get better and better every day 7. I give freely 8. I give myself permission to make choices 9. I give myself permission to make mistakes 10. I have a beautiful imagination