Positive affirmations for kids are one of the most incredible things that we can provide as parents, or as adults in general. For a long time, people have spoken about positive self-talk and positive self-images but there wasn’t always a specific term for those positive things we said to ourselves.
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What Are Affirmations?
In recent years, positive affirmations of various kinds have been gaining popularity and there are great reasons behind it. People utilize them in a number of ways and they can be customized to fit just about any theme or life stage a person is in.
Success affirmations are great for the workplace, higher education settings, or for those seeking to reach specific goals. They are a great way to keep yourself motivated and remain positive in your outlook.
According to Psychology Today, the reason affirmations work, in a sense, is because the subconscious mind plays a big role in the manifestation of our desires. In other words, what we believe about ourselves at a subconscious level, can impact the actual outcome of events.
Asking your kids the right questions is another great way to build confidence and connect!
Benefits of Positive Affirmations for Kids
Affirmations for kids are the main focus of the ones I am sharing with you today and these happen to be my favorite kind. I firmly believe that we manifest our own destiny and choose our mood, each and every day. If we raise our children knowing that they have the power and control to be happy, healthy, and confident we are doing a great service to future generations.
While receiving compliments and positivity from those around us always feels great, it’s important to teach our kids that loving ourselves and showing ourselves positivity and respect is the most important thing we can do.
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Positive Affirmations for Kids
- I have the power to make my dreams true
- I strive to do my best every day
- I trust my intuition
- I trust the wisdom in me
- I accept myself for who I am
- I accomplish great results
- I act responsibly
- I always find ways to overcome challenges
- I am a bright student
- I am a good friend
- I am a good friend to myself
- I am a good influence on others
- I am a product of my decisions
- I am a winner
- I am an original
- I am awesome
- I am beautiful inside and out
- I am calm
- I am capable of so much
- I am caring
- No one is more me than I am
- I am compassionate
- I am confident
- I am gentle
- I am helpful
- I am honest
- I am important
- I am in charge of my life
- I am in control of my emotions
- I am joyful
- I am kind to others
- I am loved
- I am loving
- I am making the right choices
- I am happy with who I am
- I am open and ready to learn
- I am open to new and exciting possibilities
- I am optimistic
- I am patient
- I am peaceful
- I am perfect just the way I am
- I am persistent
- I am protected
- I am proud of myself
- I am ready to seize the opportunities of the day
- I am relaxed
- I am safe
- I am smart
- I am strong and determinedMore positive Affirmations
More Affirmations for Kids
- I am thankful for being who I am
- I am thankful for today
- I am thoughtful and kind
- I am trustworthy
- I am unique
- I am very creative
- I am whole
- I am working on myself
- I am worthwhile of all the love and happiness in the world
- I approve of myself
- I believe in my abilities
- I believe in my goals and dreams
- I believe in myself
- I can be anything I want to be
- I can change the world
- I control my own happiness
- I can do anything I put my mind to
- I can do better next time
- I can do it
- I can get through anything
- I can and will live in the moment
- I can make a difference
- I can take deep breaths
- I care about others
- I choose to think positively
- I deserve all the good things
- I deserve to be loved
- I discover the beauty in everything
- I draw inspiration from life and my role models
- I embrace change
- I enjoy absorbing knowledge like a sponge
- I enjoy being cheerful
- I enjoy being happy
- I enjoy challenging myself
- I enjoy discovering something new
- I am an amazing person
- I am friendly
- I am growing up well
- I enjoy healthy food
- I enjoy spending time with myself
- I enjoy testing new ideas
- I feel joy in every corner of my body
- I find creative solutions to my problems
- I forgive myself for my mistakes
Even More Affirmations
- I forgive others for their mistakes
- I can take it one step at a time
- I choose my own attitude
- I deserve to be happy
- I enjoy learning
- I get better and better every day
- I give freely
- I give myself permission to make choices
- I give myself permission to make mistakes
- I have a beautiful imagination
- I have courage and confidence
- I have everything I need right now
- I have faith in myself
- I have good friends
- I have happy thoughts
- I have inner beauty
- I have an inner strength
- I have lots of energy
- I have people who love and respect me
- I have positive thoughts
- I have the courage to be myself
- I have trust in myself
- I keep my body healthy
- I learn from my mistakes
- I like being challenged
- I like myself
- I listen to my heart
- I listen to my inner wisdom
- Everything will be okay
- Good things are going to come to me
- Every day brings new opportunities
- I love my family and friends
- I love myself even though I sometimes fail
- I make friends easily
- I matter
- I make great decisions
- I receive all the help that I need
- I replace anger with compassion
- I take care of my responsibilities
- I take pleasure in my life
- I think positive
- I trust in my abilities
- I trust in my decisions
- I understand complex problems quickly
- I work hard
- I’m choosing to have an amazing day
- I’m going to push through
- I’m going to take a chance
- I’m intelligent
- I’m prepared to succeed
- I’m starting a new chapter today
- I’m working at my own pace
- I’ve got this
- If I fall, I will get back up again
- It is enough to do my best
- It’s okay not to know everything
Great Words to Boost Confidence
- It’s okay to make mistakes
- Life is fun
- Miracles happen to me
- My challenges help me grow
- My confidence grows when I step outside of my comfort zone
- I respect other people
- I see the good in myself
- I solve problems
- My dreams are coming true
- My family and friends love me for who I am
- My happiness is up to me
- I always look for the right decisions
- I only compare myself to myself
- I play an important role in the world
- My heart guides me
- My intuition is a guide showing me the right direction
- I am courageous
- I am enough
- I am exactly where I need to be
- I am excited by the unknown
- I am forgiving
- I am free to make my own choices
- I am full of energy
- I am generous
- My mistakes help me learn and grow
- My positive thoughts create positive feelings
- My possibilities are endless
- I stand up for what I believe in
- I start with a positive mindset
- I support others with love and kindness
- I surround myself with positive people
- My success is just around the corner
- My voice matters
- No matter how hard it is, I can do it
- Problems are challenges to better me
- The more I let it go, the better I will feel
- There is no one better to be than myself
- Today I am a leader
- Today I am going to shine
- Today I choose to be confident
- Today I choose to think positive
- I radiate positive energy
- I reach for the stars
- I reach my goals
- Today I will spread positivity
- Today I will walk through my fears
- Today is going to be my day
- Whatever I do, I’ll give my best
- Wonderful things are going to happen to me
Affirmations Encourage Our Kids
- I am kind
- I speak my truth
- I express myself
- I speak with kindness
- I speak with love
- My voice is strong
- My voice is clear
- My voice is steady
- I have an opinion
- I have the words I need
- I take up for myself
- I see clearly
- I think clearly
- I trust my decisions
- I know the answer
- I create my reality
- I trust in myself
- I trust
- I understand
- I am inspired
- I am creative
- I am special
- I am abundant
- I am healthy
- I am balanced
- I am powerful
- I belong
- I am worthy
- I am great
- I can do anything
- I can accomplish anything
- I have a purpose
- I am ambitious
- I am intelligent
- I love
- I am cherished
- I am needed
- I forgive
- I accept others
- All is well
- I accept and love myself
- Every problem has an answer
- Anything is possible
- All of my problems have solutions
- Every day is a fresh start
- Everything works out just fine
- I am becoming the best version of myself
- I am brave
- I am building my future
- Everything is fine
- I am gentle with myself and others
- I am going to get through this
Positive Affirmations for Kinder Kids
Kindness is a big deal in our household and I have always raised my son to know that no matter what you are in life, no matter your place on the social ladder, you will always want to be remembered as the boy who was nice to everyone.
3 thoughts on “250 Positive Affirmations for Kids”
Just to say I love this blog. Te layout is so clear and the content relevant and fun to read. Thank you.
Thank you Sally! I am happy to hear you enjoy our content!
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