How to Clean a Car Windshield in 5 Easy Steps



A dirty windshield can turn your driving into something hazardous as your vision becomes obscured. 



Additionally, the bugs, dust and grime that can build up on the glass can make your car look less attractive. 

When Should I Clean My Windshield?

A clean windshield ensures that you have a clear view of the road ahead. The odd bug spot or random bird dropping may be acceptable for you.

1. Find an Ideal Place to Work

You want to be somewhere that is out of the sun and is sheltered. Also, you don’t want to feel cramped in a tiny space.

2. Brush off the Dirt

Using one of your microfibre cloths, brush the surface of the windshield to remove any dust and debris. You can go over the glass again a second time to ensure you got everything. 

3. Spray the Windshield With the Solution

Spray the your auto glass cleaner onto the windshield. Wipe it off quickly with your microfiber cloth.

4. Go Over the Glass Again

Get another microfiber cloth and go over the entire windshield once more. Buff the glass and check for streaking.

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