How to Remove Alcohol Stains on Wood



Sometimes when alcohol is exposed to some woods (particularly if they aren’t protected by a varnish coating), it can leave an unsightly white mark.



The good news is this doesn’t necessarily mean the wooden item in question is irrevocably damaged. Here’s what to do if you’ve recently received alcohol stains on a wooden object.

Removing Alcohol Stains From Wood

YOU WILL NEED: – Cooking oil (olive oil is best) – A soft, clean cloth (ideally a microfiber towel)

The Method:

– Put a few drops of the oil on the cloth. Lemon oil or other traditional wood oils or furniture polish can also work, if you prefer. – Gently rub the oil over the stain. – It may take a minute of rubbing the oil in for the stain to fully disappear. Add more oil to the cloth if needed.

Wire Wool

YOU WILL NEED: – Clean/unused piece of wire wool – A clean cloth – A clean, dry towel/paper napkins

The Method:

– Rub the steel wool lightly over the stain. Be careful not to use too much pressure and leave the surface stained with the steel wool or scratched. – Use a damp cloth to clean the dust from the steel wool that may be over the stain.

Hot Water

YOU WILL NEED: – A small bowl of hot water (this is important, as wood doesn’t like excess exposure to water) – Rubber gloves – Clean, dry cloth or towel

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