How to Remove Black Urine Stains From Hardwood Floors                                                                                                       



Wondering how to remove black urine stains from hardwood floors? You’ve come to the right place.



Our beloved pets are likely to have accidents from time to time. Especially if you’re toilet training a puppy or caring for an elderly pet.

Why Do Urine Stains Turn Black on Hardwood Floors?

Pet urine is often acidic and may break down the protective finish on hardwood flooring.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Use a hydrogen peroxide solution to disinfect and deodorize pet urine stains. It’s a great way to tackle foul odor.

White Vinegar and Grapefruit Essential Oil

Grapefruit essential oil has antiseptic qualities. Coupled with the acidity of white vinegar, it can make a powerful stain remover and a natural disinfectant.

Bicarbonate of Soda

Bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) is a safe, eco-friendly, and affordable household cleaner.

Enzymatic Cleaner

Enzymatic cleaners can break down organic matter like urine, blood, and sweat. They are often used to disinfect medical equipment contaminated by bodily fluids.

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