How to Remove Walnut Stains From Your Hands



You love walnuts. You eat them every day, either by themselves or in your baking.



Here we will show you how to use household remedies to rid your hands of walnut stains. Also, you will be given a couple of tips that can prevent staining. 

Lemon Juice

The juice contains a natural whitener that acts as a bleaching agent. This bleaching effect can be enhanced by exposure to sunlight.

Dish Detergent With Baking Soda

With these two ingredients, you are going to make a paste. Then you apply the paste to your hands.

Cooking Oil

You don’t need to worry about which cooking oil to use for this method. Any type of cooking oil will work.

Salt and Lemon

With this procedure, you are combining the bleaching power of lemon juice with the abrasiveness of salt.

Dip Your Hands in Vinegar

Time and again you will find white vinegar is recommended as a way to remove any kind of stain. That’s because it’s so effective as a bleach.

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