Is Your Shower Diverter Stuck? Genius Ways to Fix It                                                                



This critical piece of our shower unit can quickly render you helpless and leave you late for work because you were forced to have a bath instead. 



This story will summarize the three primary methods of fixing this frustrating problem and getting your shower system back up and running. 

What Is a Shower Diverter?

Shower units are often positioned over a bath. This is to save space in your home, not requiring additional space and units for a separate shower. 

Dealing With a Stuck Diverter

Although dealing with plumbing systems can be very problematic if mishandled, it is safer than dealing with other household utilities.

Scrubbing the Water Spout

One of the first ports of call should be to address the condition of the entire faucet system. Grime and scaling build-up is the leading cause of malfunctioning water systems.

Lack of Lubrication

When the divert system is manufactured, the internal movement is soaked in water-resistant lubricant for it to function optimally.

Replacing the Spout System

If you have attempted cleaning and lubricating the system, you may have to take slightly more drastic actions.

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