What’s the Best Method for Cleaning Frosted Glass



Whether it is in the form of a table, window, or even reading glasses, smudged glass can be annoying to see. Having fingerprints or other types of dirt all over a glass item makes it seem dingy.



Cleaning regular glass sometimes takes nothing more than a soft cloth and a bit of liquid but frosted glass is a little more delicate.

How to Know if You Have Frosted Glass

The frosted glass comes with different translucent textures, designs, and densities. These many properties make this glass a popular choice in the decoration of homes, offices, and restaurants.

Gather Your Cleaning Supplies

Equipment – Stools. This will help you reach high windows or tall doors. – Microfiber Cloths – Rubber Gloves – Bucket

How to Go About Cleaning the Glass

There are different ways to clean frosted glass. This depends on where the glass is installed in the space.

Cleaning Frosted Shower Doors

1. Spray a small section: Shower doors are taller than windows. Sometimes, they are taller than regular doors. This is why it is good to work with smaller portions.

Cleaning Frosted Decorations

1. Remove from fixtures For decorations like lampshades, you need to carefully unscrew from the lampstand. Be careful, so it does not fall and break.

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