Best Ways You Can Remove Oil Stains From Wood



If you are someone who has spotted an oil stain on your wooden floor or wooden furniture and are not quite sure what to use to get the stain out, this is the article for you.



Many homeowners are faced with the problem of stains on furniture like sofas and cushions. But what about wooden floors and furniture?

What Sort of Things Cause Oil Stains?

Oil stains can be caused by several things such as cooking oils, skin oil and even some wood cleaners, if used you use too much or apply it incorrectly.

What Shall I Do About an Oil Stain?

When you spill something or if you notice an oil stain, you must be prepared to follow these steps in order to remove that nasty stain.

Method 1: The Powder Method

For this method, you should use an absorbent powder on the stain, such as baking powder or sawdust and sprinkle it onto the area.

Method 2: The Paper Method

You could start in any room that works best for you, but sometimes it’s good to get the trickier rooms out of the way.

Method 3: The Sud Method

For this method, you must mix detergent/soap with some warm water in a bowl, to get it very soapy. Once you have done this, remove some of the suds and spread them over the oil stain.

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