Wax on Laminate Floors: The Ways to Remove Them



If you have spilled any candlewax or other types of wax, make sure to remove this wax immediately with a cloth or paper towel, making sure you minimise the damage of your laminate flooring and effort for cleaning.



If these wax spillages or build-ups have gone unnoticed or untreated you may want to consider the following techniques to remove the wax.

Paper Towels and Clothes Iron or Hair Dryer Technique

Any wax that has been smeared or potentially penetrated any surfaces you may want to use a paper towel to blot the wax, after heating it with a hair dryer or hot water.

Vinegar and Water Technique

Before cleaning the wax, make sure the wax has cooled. Do not wipe off warm wax/resin off, as you will end up spreading it, or permeating the surface when you try to wipe it.

Acetone, Nail Polish Remover or Paint Thinner Technique

Tougher wax stains can call for a stronger cleaning solution. Acetone, nail polish remover or paint thinner is a great way to remove very stubborn wax from laminate flooring.

General Laminate Floor Cleaning and Upkeep for the Floor

Using a floor cleaner that is safe for laminate floors (always check the label), spray the floor cleaner onto a damp microfibre mop.

Additional Tips

Do not use ammonia on laminate flooring. It is good at removing wax, however it can strip away the protective sealant used in laminate flooring and be detrimental to your floor with repeated use.

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