How to Remove Bed Bug Stains off Walls



Bed bug stains on your walls can be identified as red-brown marks. To clean your walls from the stains you can use dish soap and water, rubbing alcohol, Oxalic Acid, baking soda, or a stain remover.



In this story, we will take you through how stains are created by bed bugs. Then we will give you effective options for cleaning your walls. 

How Do the Bed Bugs Create the Stains?

The blood is then eliminated from the bed bug’s system through their droppings. These leave a reddish-brown mark on the areas that the bugs inhabit. 

Ways to Remove the Bed Bug Stains From Your Walls

There are a handful of ways you can remove the reddish-brown bed bug stains from your walls. The methods are easy to do and you can use items that already are found within your home.

Dish Soap and Water

Like any stain removal method, start in an inconspicuous spot. That allows you to see how the surface will react to the solution.

Baking Soda

This method requires the use of a spray bottle, a bowl, baking soda, and water.

Oxalic Acid

Oxalic Acid is a great allrounder household product. Try using it to remove the bed bug stains off your wall.

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