How to Clean Your Motherboard



Cleaning your motherboard requires you to physically remove it from the computer. Use compressed air to blow away the dust. 



Spots that are sticky need to be taken care of with isopropyl alcohol. Be careful when cleaning the board as you could damage it. 

How Do I Know When My Motherboard Needs a Clean?

When your PC and the components can’t cool down, then they get hot and stop working. If you experience any of the above issues, then give your motherboard a clean.

How to Clean Your Motherboard

Depending on how dusty your motherboard is you can do either a basic clean or a deep clean.

Basic Cleaning of the Motherboard

Use the lowest setting possible and hold the nozzle of the cleaner several inches away from the motherboard. There is a risk that you can do major damage to the board or any of the components.

Deep Cleaning Your Motherboard

If you have never cleaned your motherboard before, you may be shocked by the amount of dirt and dust that has built up on it. When things seem that bad, it’s time to give the motherboard a deep clean.

An Additional Deep-Cleaning Method

1. Remove the motherboard following steps 1 to 6 in the basic cleaning method. 2. Fill your metal basin with just enough alcohol into which you can submerge your motherboard. 3. Gently swirl the motherboard in the alcohol solution so that all the dirt is moistened.

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