Crocs is one of the trendy footwear used by all and sundry. This is because it is simple, classy, comfortable, and for the fuzzy crocs, warm.
As beautiful and trendy this footwear is, it requires a great deal of care to maintain. If not properly maintained, the fuzzy crocs would relapse into itself, taking up a very repulsive smell with it.
The crocs have to be kept tidy at all times, not because it is prone to dirt, but because it looks terrible when dirty.
So how do you clean your fuzzy crocs? First, let us look at the comfort in your fuzzy crocs.
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The fuzzy croc is a new brand of shoe. This crocs type is trendy and comfortable because of the cushioning effect of the cotton installed in it.
This type of crocs is not like the other rubber crocs, and it requires special and mechanical care when cleaning it. The care is needed because you don’t want the fabric to get soaked and smelly.
There are different kinds of fuzzy crocs, and each of them has its various procedures. What type of fuzzy crocs do you use?
A fur-lined or leather crocs, all of them should be cleaned to improve quality, enhance longevity and reduce the risk of smell. You don’t want your crocs to develop an odor. It would be disastrous.
Fuzzy crocs, fur-lined or leather, helps keep your feet warm in cold weather. This means that apart from having a beautiful exterior, the interior components of these crocs help you keep warm in the winter.
The beauty of this crocs also means that it requires attention to stay beautiful and classy. The fur line of fuzzy crocs is likely to get stinky and smelly if not properly cleaned.
The sad thing is that the fur lines cannot be washed with washing machines. So if you think you can throw the footwear in the washer, think again. Well, you can, if you want the crocs to be history or you want to damage the washer.
The crocs are easy to wash. Even on the official website of the producers, mild water and soap can do the trick. But they failed to tell us the technique(s) required to make that lining good as new, without making it smell or clogged with water.
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Can you clean your Fuzzy Crocs?
A frequently asked question is if fuzzy crocs can be cleaned. Yes, it can. It just requires tact and patience because, for fur-lined crocs and other fuzzy crocs, the lining cannot be removed.
What this means is that you have to clean gently, with the method that would be discussed here (not too much suspense, mild soap, and warm water would remove dirt, but what if it does not remove totally, you have to read further to find out how the cookie crumbles effectively).

How to clean your fuzzy crocs
Cleaning the crocs is not the problem. At least you can use mild soap and warm water, and you are good. What seems to be the problem is getting the smell out of the fur line of your crocs.
Some people have practically done away with their crocs because of the smell. They have tried all they can, but the scent lingers. Below are ways that you can use to eradicate the bad breath from your croc:
- Get a bucket and fill it with cold water; warm water is suitable for the washing, but there is a process before the washing.
- After getting a bucket of cold water ready, the next thing to do is pour the mild detergent in the water.
- The next step is to immerse the crocs in the soapy water; this is done to ensure an even clean; you don’t have to scrub thoroughly to allow the soapy water to work its magic.
- Leave the crocs in the water for a while and allow the soapy water to remove the debris.
- The next thing is to rinse with warm water. This removes all the debris.
- After rinsing, pour a baking soda into the crocs. This should be done till the insides are entirely flowing with soda and water.
- Afterward, remove the soda and rinse the crocs. The soda should be mixed with deodorants for more effect, so the end product retains the delicate fragrance regained.
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Although you cannot put the crocs in a washer, the good news is, after all the rinsing and baptizing, you don’t have to wait for the sun to dry your crocs. You can place your stretched-out crocs in your dryer. With the crocs adequately placed, the drying cycle can begin.
You should not set the timer and leave; you may return to the smell of melting rubber and burning fur.
To make sure the heat is appropriate; you need to be on standby while your precious crocs are drying. This is because high heat can turn your crocs into burning bread and melting ice. Simply put, your crocs would be permanently warped.
If the fabrics of your crocs are not properly cleaned, you need not worry. All you have to do is mix dish detergent with warm water in a bucket or sink.
Now you do not have to immerse your crocs in it; you need a clean fabric or rag to dip in the detergent solution you have made.
The pure material should be used to gently wipe the dirt from the affected surface of the fur. This should be repeated until the fur looks like the clothes of angels.
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Smelly crocs; why?
You have been told how to deal with the smell from your fuzzy crocs; let me tell you now why your crocs smell.
There are many reasons your crocs smell; some of these factors you orchestrate, others you are completely natural. However, the fact is that your crocs smell because you find it hard to clean them regularly and correctly.
You feel the crocs are not important until your partner wants to give you a foot massage and they cringe on their nose.
You have to cultivate the habit of caring and cleaning those crocs religiously and methodically so that it does not ruin the perfect moment for you.
How to get rid of smell from your crocs
There are deodorants that you can apply that would deal with the smell instantaneously. However, this deodorant may not stand the test of time because your feet evolve with new smells per day. So to cure smelly crocs, follow the following steps.
- The first step is to apply a portion of baking soda and vinegar; this should be applied judiciously, with three portions of vinegar and one of baking soda.
- The solution should be mixed adequately.
- After the mixing, the solution should be spread inside the shoes. Again, this should be done adequately.
- The solution should be allowed to work its wonders for five minutes, and then it is removed.
- Then the crocs should be soaked in a bucket of cold water for three hours or thereabouts before drying.
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Cleaning other types of Crocs
There are different types of crocs, and they are cleaned with different methods. Some of these crocs are:
The suede or wool type:
This type of crocs requires tenderness and care so that the suede skin is not spoiled. The first thing to do cleaning this type of crocs is:
- Use a plastic brush or a soft wire to gently clean the upper part of the crocs.
- The next thing to do is to apply a waterproof spray.
- If your crocs have wool, you would have to clean with mild soap and a moist rag. Or you could use the gentle cycle of your washing machine with as little heat as possible.

Leather Crocs
This is another style of crocs and can be cleaned in a methodical way, easy but very practical.
- Use a slightly moist, soft rubber sponge to clean.
- To restore the shine of the crocs, you could use a leather polish and a spray to repel water.
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For leather crocs made with materials like the smooth Napa leather, the following method should be applied in cleaning them.
- The first thing is to remove dust and dirt with a moist rag,
- after which natural wax shoe polish is applied with a small brush
- The polish should be applied gently to cover all the parts of the crocs. Preferably in a spiral manner.
- The leather crocs are a bit more fragile and prone to smell than the other types of crocs. Therefore, you must keep them dry consistently. You wouldn’t want it to develop a smell.
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Fuzzy crocs are very beautiful and trendy. It can go with almost any easy wear, and in itself, it bring a kind of confidence. However, maintaining the cross should come first in your ‘crocs list’ (if you don’t have one, you definitely should). This is because clean crocs come with a kind of courage and grace to your steps.
Farah Zeb is a mother of five, including two children with special needs. She shares practical parenting tips and resources to help other families navigate daily challenges and create supportive, nurturing environments.