Best Way to Get Poop Stains out of Carpet?


If your baby or pet has left a mess in your home we have the solutions to help you out

While babies, toddlers, and pets are very cute, the ness that they can make in your home is not as desirable. Pooping on carpets is something that is difficult to avoid as chidden and pets naturally have accidents no matter how well they are looked after or trained. 

If you have tried different ways to remove poop stains out of carpets but nothing is quite doing the job then we are here to help you out. We take a look at tried and tested ways of getting poop stains out of carpets and rugs.

So, if your dog or your baby has left a stubborn stain on your rug, don’t fret as following these simple steps can take away your stress and have your carpet looking and smelling like new. 

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Items you will need to clean dog poop out of the carpet

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Steps to Take to Clean Poop from Carpets and Rugs

For carpets, rugs, and upholstery you should male up the following solution:

Mix half a tablespoon of dishwashing liquid with 1 tablespoon of distilled white vinegar and 2 cups of warm water.

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It is very important not to use a detergent that has bleach in it as this will create a problem. When bleach mixes with vinegar it can create harmful toxins that can affect human and pet health. 

Next, do you need to follow the below steps?

dog on the carpet
  • Once you discover poop on your floor be sure to have a check around the house to see if there are any other deposits around the house. If there are no other signs of poop just check that there are no traces of it on your dog’s paws if they were the culprit 
  • Don’t allow the stain to sit on your carpet for too long as it will be more difficult to remove 
  • Put on a pair of protective gloves to make sure you do not get any poop on your hands, especially when it is pet poop
  • Get a plastic bag or some paper towels to remove the worst of the poop and place it in the trash as normal
  • Use paper towels or baby wipes to remove the smaller pieces of poop from the carpet or rug. Don’t worry if this process leaves poop smears as you can remove them in the following stages
  • Use a clean microfiber cloth to dab the poop stain with the detergent-vinegar mixture and blot until all of the liquid is absorbed. It can be helpful to use a white cloth or a light-colored cloth so that you can see the dirt coming away from the stain. 
  • Continue to apply the solution and blot until you see the stain disappear. Be careful to blot rather than rub as you will risk pushing the poop further into the pile on the carpet, especially if it is a thick or shaggy pile
  • If you have repeated this process several times and the poop stain remains you can use hydrogen peroxide. You can either use an eyedropper to drop the peroxide directly onto the stain or apply it to a cloth and dab on like you did with the detergent mixture. Be careful with colored carpets as this may discolor or remove some of the colors altogether.
  • Once you have done this song the area with water to remove all traces of detergent and peroxide
  • Blot dry and be careful not to walk on it or allow your pet on it
  • You may still be left with a smell, either from the poop or the vinegar so you may wish to spray a deodorizer to get rid of any unpleasant odors
  • Vacuum your carpet to ensure it is fully clean and scoop up any remaining dirt or fibers from the cloths and paper towels

Remember to act quickly and go through each of these steps as quickly as possible so that the poop stain does not become more stubborn. 

Using baking Soda removes Poop Stains on Carpets

Baking soda is an alternative to using vinegar and standard detergent to remove poop stains on carpets. It has been used for many years by people around the world who prefer traditional cleaning methods rather than toxic detergents and bleaches.

Baking soda contains starch which soaks up any liquids, including oils and liquids, which are found in poop. Using baling powder to clean up stains on carpets is a good idea if the poop is runny.

It is also a good way to soak up the bad odor that poop leaves in a room. As well as being non-toxic, baking soda is cheap and easy to find in most grocery stores. 

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Using Hydrogen Peroxide to Remove Poop Stains

Hydrogen peroxide is seen as safe to use as when it comes into contact with air or water it breaks down quickly meaning it is safer than bleach. As hydrogen peroxide can kill bacteria, yeast, mold, and fungi it is a very useful product to have in your cupboards and home.

It is also good at removing poop stains if using white vinegar and baking soda does not work. You can use a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide in a 1:4 ratio of hydrogen peroxide and water.

You can use a soft brush to apply to your carpet or rug and leave it for 30 minutes to soak in. Be careful not to let any children or pets go near the area while the peroxide is soaking in.

Once you have left the solution to soak in and work its magic for 30 minutes you can rinse with warm water. You can pour drops of water on and towel up the excess water or dab with a damp cloth until all of the peroxides have been removed. 

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Additional Poop Cleaning Tips for Carpets


Follow the manufacturer’s instructions

Be careful not to rush into buying the ingredients, for some of the solutions discussed above, without checking the manufacturing guidelines for your carpet or rug.

There may be some instances in which the solutions cannot be used as they will be too strong and can harm the materials that make up your rug. It may be that you can use the solutions but cannot leave for long periods.

If you are unsure of whether or not your manufacturer recommends a certain ingredient you can check a small patch that is less conspicuous before applying it to the whole stain. 

Avoid rubbing a stain on carpeting

As we have mentioned, one of the main things that you can do when removing poop is to not rub too harshly. For one, rubbing too hard can make the stain go deeper into the carpet and it can also mean destroying the natural pile on your carpet.

Blotting is the best way to remove, although it can be a slow process. By taking your time blotting you will also eliminate the chances of spreading poop particles around the room. 

Never mix cleaning products 

We have told you that you must not mix certain products as this can be dangerous for your health but we want to stress this again as you mustn’t be exposed to toxic gases. Regardless of whether you mix ingredients, you may want to use a mask as well as your gloves to protect your skin and respiratory system.

cleaning with cloth alcohol

Use the same process for vomit

If your child or pet vomits on your carpet or rug you can follow the same process as removing poop stains and you should yield the same results. The baling soda option is likely to be the best solution in this instance as it will soak up the excess liquid that comes from vomiting and acts as a good deodorizer.


If you have been unlucky as to find poop on your carpet you should not panic but aim to remove the poop and the stain it leaves as quickly as possible. Start by removing poop itself using paper towels or toilet paper and dispose of it in plastic bags.

Next scrape off any excess poop and place it into the trash can also. You will then want to gently blot the area that is stained with a mixture of white distilled vinegar and detergent or bicarbonate of soda.

You may need to repeat this process a few times if the poop stain is being particularly stubborn. Whatever solution you have used when removing a poop stain from your rug you should rinse it off after a period of letting it soak in and vacuum once it is dry.

We hope that the above steps can help you remove poop stains from your carpets and rugs but if not you may need to invest in targeted carpet and upholstery stain removers. As a last resort, you may need to ask a professional carpet cleaner to come to clean the poop away. 

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Farah Zeb is a mother of five, including two children with special needs. She shares practical parenting tips and resources to help other families navigate daily challenges and create supportive, nurturing environments.

Picture of Farah Zeb

Farah Zeb

Farah Zeb is a mother of five, including two children with special needs. She shares practical parenting tips and resources to help other families navigate daily challenges and create supportive, nurturing environments.

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