How to Clean a Dirty House



Whatever the reason, the house is dirty, and we need to get it cleaned up. Don’t worry, you’re not alone.



Here are some tips that I’ve found really helpful when it comes to cleaning a dirty house from top to bottom.

Getting Motivated

First off, have a plan in mind. This turns the nebulous and vague task of ‘cleaning the house’, into something more orderly and manageable.

What Supplies Are Needed to Clean a House?

Each person may prefer to use different things, but there are some supplies that are good for everyone to use.

Where to Start When Cleaning Your House

Before you even get properly started, it can be good to open all the windows and get your cleaning supplies together, including a trash bag.

The Cleaning Process Itself

You could start in any room that works best for you, but sometimes it’s good to get the trickier rooms out of the way.

Cleaning House Checklist

– Get started. Turn on the music and get cleaning supplies together. – Put on the first load of laundry and take all dishes to the kitchen. – Clear up clutter in the kitchen. – Wash dishes. – Dust ceiling in the kitchen.

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