How to Get Oil Stains off Walls



Cleaning the floors and surfaces is a standard part of household maintenance, and you probably have a host of products in your house to tackle any kind of grime.



But many of us neglect to clean the walls in our houses and don’t have fancy products that do the work for us. Smears, grime, and grease build up over time, and all of a sudden, your house looks grotty and unkempt. 

Best Ways to Get Oil off Painted Walls.

If you have a cleaning product safe for wall paint that cuts through grease, give that a bash. But if you don’t have anything to hand, and don’t feel like splashing the cash on another cleaning product that will collect dust in your cupboard, keep reading.

Method 1: Dish Soap.

This is the best method to attempt first, as soap doesn’t react with paint, so it’s unlikely to damage your wall.

Method 2: White Vinegar.

The high acetic acid content of vinegar makes it a great weapon for dissolving dirt and oil.

Method 3: Baking Soda.

It works in a very different way from vinegar, so if you attempted that method first and you didn’t have any luck, baking soda may be the one for you.

Removing Oil From Different Kinds of Wall Materials.

Most wallpaper is treated and coated in a plastic layer, so it acts much the same as a semi-gloss paint. In this case, you can try out any of the methods above.

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