10 Simple Steps to Keep Your Bedroom Spotless and Organized

Let’s be honest—our bedrooms are often the hidden disaster zones of our homes. No matter how spotless the rest of the house is, behind that closed door? Chaos. Piles of laundry, mystery objects under the bed, and let’s not even talk about the nightstand clutter!

It makes sense, though. We spend less time awake in our bedrooms, and hey, guests rarely see them. But here’s the thing—a clean bedroom isn’t just about looks. It can help you sleep better, stay organized, and even lower stress (who couldn’t use that?). Plus, it just feels amazing to step into a fresh, tidy space at the end of the day.

If tackling your bedroom feels overwhelming, don’t worry—you’re not alone! We’ve got you covered with a simple, step-by-step printable checklist at the bottom of this post. Let’s turn that mess into a cozy, stress-free retreat!

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Getting Motivated

Before you can even start to clean your room, you need to make sure you’re in the right head-space. It’s a common mistake to have every intention to get the room tidied, then two hours later to be still sat glued to your phone or laptop. Usually, this is because you don’t actually want to clean your room.

So, rather than being motivated by either a nagging partner, or your own guilt, and concentrating on all the work that needs doing, focus on the benefits of having a clean room.

When everything is in the right place, you can find things much easier. You can relax better in a tidy environment, and you will definitely sleep so much better.

Also, if you’re the type to get easily distracted, remove the distraction. Without having your cellphone right there, you won’t have the temptation to just check a text for a minute, which will lead to all productivity coming to a halt. Alternatively, you can download an app which restricts access to your phone for a set time limit.

A final mistake that people often make is seeing cleaning their room as a chore. Of course, it technically is, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be satisfying and even fun.

Put on some music, or an audiobook or podcast if you prefer, and let your mind focus on that while the rest of you tidies up. Then, once you’ve finished, you can reward yourself for a job well done. 

Remember, a clean room is a room that you can be proud of. So, you deserve that slice of cake.

Deep Clean or Everyday Tidy?

So, another thing to be aware of is that there are different levels of cleaning. Some things need to be done more often than others, and some bedrooms are untidier than others. This checklist should suit most situations as every task needs to be done in each room.

The checklist will break down even a deep clean to a manageable level, as each task by itself is small and simple. Even a hoarder’s room will benefit from following this list, it will simply take more time. 

Tips for Keeping a Room Tidy

Another reason some people hold off from cleaning their rooms is because it’ll just get untidy again. However, this doesn’t have to be true. One of the best ways to keep your room tidy and to make the process of cleaning your room easier is to just do a little bit each day.

This can be as simple as putting trash in the wastebasket rather than on your desk or throwing dirty clothes in the hamper rather than straight on the floor.

The beauty with picking up these habits is that they are almost no extra effort at the time but can save so much time and effort when it comes to actually cleaning your room.

Another thing is to clean your room regularly. Even if you put everything away and take care to keep things tidy, your room will still need cleaning. But, if you clean it regularly, rather than once in a blue moon, it’s a much smaller job. 

Once you’ve deep cleaned your room it’s important to keep this checklist nearby and make sure that everything is done on a regular basis. It doesn’t all have to be done on the same day, if you don’t want to, but try to get everything done once a week or so.

Depending on the starting state of your room, this can take minutes or hours to complete. But, once they’re done, you’ll have a blank slate and a bedroom to be proud of. Each step is short and simple and can even be broken down further if you like. Let’s get started:

1: Get into the Mindset

This is where you get into the mindset. Get the music playing and any distractions put away. If the weather permits, open your windows wide. Your bedroom could likely do with some fresh air and may smell musty, also, if you’re using cleaning products, ventilation is important. 

2: Take the Trash

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Now, take out the trash. If you’re in the habit of putting everything in a wastebasket, you just need to empty that. If not, take a trash bag and walk around the room picking up any garbage, like food wrappers or clothing labels. 

3: Strip the Rubbish

Here, we strip the bed. Cushions and comforters don’t need to be washed so often, but the bed linens should go in the laundry regularly.

Think about it, we spend eight hours a day asleep in there. Clean linens aren’t just nice to sleep in, they also help with acne and general hygiene.

4: Dirty Clothes

Now we deal with the dirty clothes. If they’re not already in the hamper, gather them up off the floor and get them ready to wash along with the bed linens. If you can, this is a good time to start up the washing machine, otherwise just make sure the dirty clothes are out of your bedroom.

Related: Top 10 Professional House Cleaning Hacks

5: Put Away Clean Clothes

Once the floor is clear of dirty clothes, put away any clean clothes. This can also be done each day, to save you a job.

6: Organize Clutter

Put away and organize any clutter. Putting books back into bookcases, putting away bags or shoes. This makes sure that everything is in its place and can be found easily. You also might find something you thought long-lost in this step, so don’t skip it.

7: Dusting

Once everything is put away, we can dust everything. Surfaces, light fixtures, your bed, it all needs doing. Even curtains need dusting too.

As well as keeping things looking nice, this will get rid of any allergens and help you sleep better. If you’ve managed to spill anything on your desk, now is the time to make sure that’s wiped up. 

8: Wipe Glass

We now need to wipe down any glass. This will be mirrors and windows, probably. It’s not as bad as it seems, and it makes a real difference.

Use a glass cleaning agent, or vinegar if you don’t mind the smell to do this. Microfiber cloths are best for making sure there’s no smearing, so use them if you can.

Related: Spring Cleaning with Family

9: Clean the Floors

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

If you have carpets, then use this vacuum cleaner, that is far cheaper than a Dyson. If you have a hard floor, sweep the floor, and vacuum any rugs. Try to get underneath your bed, if you can, especially if you keep things under there, as this is where dust can collect.

10: Make the Bed

Make the bed with fresh linens and resist the urge to jump onto it. As you probably know, there’s nothing quite like climbing into a freshly made bed at the end of a long day. This is where you’d do any finishing touches, like spraying air freshener, or lighting a scented candle. 

Guess what, you’ve done it. So, step eleven would be to pat yourself on the back and relax. You can probably see in the steps how keeping your room tidy each day can be really helpful when it comes to cleaning it every week or so.

Obviously, some of these things could benefit from being done more often than once a week, but if that’s the best way for you to keep a clean room, then there’s nothing wrong with that. 

If it helps, you can print off the abridged version of this checklist below and keep it somewhere visible. If nothing else, it’s incredibly satisfying to be able to tick off each task as it is completed and see the progress you’ve made.

If you don’t want to keep printing your checklist, you could also laminate it and use dry erase markers. Here is the affordable laminator I use.

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Farah Zeb is a mother of five, including two children with special needs. She shares practical parenting tips and resources to help other families navigate daily challenges and create supportive, nurturing environments.

Picture of Farah Zeb

Farah Zeb

Farah Zeb is a mother of five, including two children with special needs. She shares practical parenting tips and resources to help other families navigate daily challenges and create supportive, nurturing environments.

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