How Can You Get Tobacco Stains off Your Fingers?



If you’ve been smoking for a while, you may notice some discoloration on your fingertips. Usually these are an unsightly yellow color and could easily be confused with jaundice.



The good news is – it’s not jaundice! It’s staining from the chemicals in your cigarettes. 

Tobacco Stains Explained

When a cigarette is lit, the combustion naturally releases smoke, and the smoke from cigarettes contains thousands of chemicals made up of the numerous ingredients that go into the average cigarette.

How to Remove Cigarette Stains From Skin

– A nail file/pumice stone/exfoliating scrub/toothbrush – Bleach or hydrogen peroxide – Lemon juice – A potato (yes, really…) – Toothpaste – Aspirin

Removing Cigarette Stains From Your Fingernails

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: – Hydrogen Peroxide – Apple Cider Vinegar – Mouthwash – Orange Peel – Nailbrush or toothbrush

How to Prevent Nicotine Stains

– Use a roach clip every time you smoke – Use a vape – If you are addicted to nicotine, consider patches or gum – Thoroughly wash hands after every cigarette – Quit smoking. This will benefit you more than any of the other methods!

What’s in Cigarette Smoke?

– Tar. This is a sticky brown substance and one of the key culprits for causing staining. It is also one of the products that contribute towards smoking-related cancers and various lung diseases.

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