How to Get Turmeric Stains Out of Nails



Turmeric is a popular spice for curries and other savory dishes. The yellowing from this spice can add a colorful touch to any dish.



That kind of color may look good for your culinary flare, but it can make your nails look less than appealing. Fortunately, there are several ways you can untint your nails.

1. Vinegar and Sugar

Sugar is one way to clean up spilled nail polish, so why not use it to remove tumeric from your nails? Combine it with white vinegar and you have one way to tidy up your nails.

2. Lemon With Baking Soda

Each person may prefer to use different things, but there are some supplies that are good for everyone to use.

3. Bleach With Lemon Juice

This is similar to the previous method. You are substituting the baking soda with bleach.

4. Use a Hand Sanitizer

The main ingredient that makes hand sanitizers powerful cleansers is the alcohol they contain. Use this to your advantage for removing tumeric off your nails.

5. Use a Magic Eraser

Magic erasers are usually considered a universal household cleaner, buffing anything from countertops to faucets. Yet, you can use magic erasers to rid your nails of that horrible yellow stain.

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