13 Best Free Halloween Movies and Shows For Kids On Amazon Prime

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It’s the perfect time to get in the spirit by watching the top Halloween movies for kids!

Are you and your kids gearing up for Halloween? It’s the perfect time to watch some of the best Halloween movies for kids! There is no better way to get in the holiday spirit (for any holiday) than by watching some of our old favorite holiday classics! The Halloween movies for kids are WAY better than the adult movies, mostly because I am a huge baby and don’t love anything created to scare me! What makes this list of movies even better, they’re all free to watch!

As you may know, Amazon Prime is a convenience and a service I have had and loved for years. I am not positive on the exact number of years I have been a Prime member but I know that I signed up when it was still brand new! Initially, when I signed up for Amazon Prime, the reasoning was the fact that I could get free 2-day shipping on items. Since I’m a big time Amazon shopper, that was golden to me!

Since then, they have added so many features from prime video, to prime music, prime pantry, and on and on. One of the most convenient and beneficial features, other than shipping, is definitely Prime Video! This list of the best free Halloween movies for kids are all available through Prime video! You can sign up for a FREE 30 day trial here and start watching these titles right away!

I love not having to spend money on movie rentals when I can find and compile lists like this, to get us ready for the upcoming Halloween season! All of the movies and shows included below are family friendly and completely free to anyone with Amazon prime. You can also pay small rental fees for certain movies and TV shows on Prime Video but the list below is the titles that won’t cost Prime members a dime!

The Best Free Halloween Movies For Kids

Best Free Halloween Movies for Kids! Great free, family-friendly, movies to get you in the Halloween spirit. A great Halloween activity for the kids and adults alike. #Halloween #Halloweenmovie #movielist #Movies


1. Ghosthunters: On Icy Trails

This is an adorable movie on Prime Video about a slimy ghost named Hugo who escapes from a haunted house! He befriends a boy named Tony and together, they work to find the spirits that have escaped, before the whole town is filled with ghosts! This is adorably fun and entertaining and perfect for all ages!

2. Sesame Street – A Magical Halloween Adventure

Who doesn’t love Sesame Street? You certainly can’t go wrong with these well-known and fun-loving characters to celebrate Halloween! In this adventure, the monsters from Sesame Street are invited to a Halloween party! This had to make our list of best free Halloween movies for kids!

3. Transylvania – A Halloween Cartoon For Kids

These little cartoons are so adorable and gets love watching seasonal shows this time of year! In this adventure, Annie, Ben and Mango are in Transylvania on Halloween night! This is one of the best free Halloween movies without being too scary for the little ones!

4. BabyFirst Halloween Special

If you have young kids, you have probably come across BabyFirst. BabyFirst is a media company that produces tons of content that is attention grabbing and educational for babies. They have content available through their TV channel, online media platforms, and movies! This Halloween special they created is adorable and completely free with Amazon Prime!

5. Just Add Magic

Just Add Magic made our list of the best free Halloween movies and TV shows because it fits perfectly with the theme around this time of year! This is a great show to get your older (6-11) kiddos into. It’s about a group of girls who find a magic cookbook and have all sorts of adventures with it! This one can really be great any time of the year!

6. Pocoyo Halloween

Have you heard of Pocoyo? I had no idea it was available free on Prime! Some parents find the voices to be incredibly annoying but I know that when my son was young, he absolutely adored this show! There are 2 Halloween episodes of Pocoyo here and they’re both perfect for the young kids in the house!

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7. The Mini Witch

This list of the best free Halloween movies wouldn’t be complete without an endearing story with Witches! In this adorable movie, a young witch named Fuchsia becomes friends with a human boy. They work together to stop his Uncle from destroying her Witch school! This is sure to be loved by all of the kids in the household and definitely not too scary for anyone!

8. The Cat in The Hat Knows A Lot About Halloween!

The kids will love this twist on the Classic Cat In The Hat story, and it’s completely free with Prime Video!! In this adorable Halloween cartoon, The Cat takes Nick and Sally on an adventure that leads them to a crazy closet full of wonderful Halloween costumes!

9. Hoopla Halloween – Halloween Songs For Kids

Definitely coming in as one of the best free Halloween movies for kids, this video is a blast for young and old alike! This is a great collection of Halloween songs for the kids to get up and move to! It would be spectacular to use in the classroom as it is fantastic at reinforcing letters, numbers, and colors!

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10. Thomas & Friends – Halloween Adventures

The Best Halloween movies for kids! Not scary, full of fun, and totally free to watch! These Halloween movies are the best free Halloween movies on Amazon Prime! #prime #halloween #halloweenmovies #kidshalloweenmovies #freemovies

Obviously included in this list of the best free Halloween movies is Thomas the Tank Engine! In this awesome 1 hour movie, Thomas and friends fear that there are mysterious things occurring on the Island of Sodor! The kids will love following along on the adventures to solve these Halloween spooks!

11. Lego Scooby-Doo: Haunted Hollywood

Every season is the perfect season for Scooby-Doo, but Halloween just seems like such a great fit! I love that this is available for free on Amazon Prime! This is set in a Lego world, in which Scooby tries to recuse an old movie theater that is threatened by monsters! Laugh along as you enjoy this one with the kiddos!

12. Halloween Puppy

Maybe I am just young at heart, but I tend to really love kids movies and this one is no exception! In A Halloween Puppy, a young boy accidentally turns his mom’s new love interest into a dog!

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13. Haunted Transylvania

Do you have a party planned for the kids this Halloween? Or maybe just some friends coming over to help hand out candy? This is the perfect background video for your night! You’ll really set the spooky mood with this haunted Halloween party hosted by Count Skeleton!

The best free Halloween movies aren’t all scares and spooks!

You can sit down with the kids and enjoy plenty of fun and seasonal shows to get in the spirit! Before we know it, they’ll be putting on their costumes and refusing to eat dinner because they’re too excited to start Trick or Treating! Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays, largely because it centers so much around the kids and their imaginations! However you spend your Halloween season, I hope you make wonderful memories with family and friends!

Are there any other free Halloween movies for kids on Prime that I missed? I’d love to hear your favorites in the comments!


Don’t forget, if you don’t have Prime, you can sign up for a free 30 day trial here!!

The Best Halloween movies for kids! Not scary, full of fun, and totally free to watch! These Halloween movies are the best free Halloween movies on Amazon Prime! #prime #halloween #halloweenmovies #kidshalloweenmovies #freemovies


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Farah Zeb is a mother of five, including two children with special needs. She shares practical parenting tips and resources to help other families navigate daily challenges and create supportive, nurturing environments.

Picture of Farah Zeb

Farah Zeb

Farah Zeb is a mother of five, including two children with special needs. She shares practical parenting tips and resources to help other families navigate daily challenges and create supportive, nurturing environments.

5 thoughts on “13 Best Free Halloween Movies and Shows For Kids On Amazon Prime”

  1. This is a great list of Halloween movies for kids! My two year old loved pocoyo, so that Halloween one will be a great intro to Halloween for her this year. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  2. Pingback: The Ultimate Guide to 2018's Hottest Halloween Costumes for the Family ⋆ Citrus & Stripes

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  5. cute list. but sadly not all available everywhere. i had to get purevpn for halloween to be able to access them for my nephew.

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