Here are 18 outlandish and false myths that make no sense at all, as described by online forum users.
Raising Arms When Pregnant Can Get the Baby Tangled in the Umbilical Cord
An online user said, “There are a ton of ridiculous myths around pregnancy. The worst one I was told was this.”
Absolute nonsense. Your movements have zero effect on the umbilical cord.
An Undercover Cop Has To Tell You They’re a Cop if You Ask
“Imagine an undercover cop investigating a crew of violent criminals, and one of them asks, ‘Hey, are you a cop?’ He’s forced to reply with the truth, knowing they will surely murder him.”
Nonsense and (obviously) counterproductive. It is an untrue myth borne of entrapment laws.
You Have To Wait 24 Hours Before You File a Missing Person’s Report
“Yeah, in fact, it’s the exact opposite, the first 24 hours are the most important.”.
This myth is as dangerous as it is untrue. You can file the report as soon as they disappear.
If You Put Your Pin in Backwards at an ATM, the Police Will Be Summoned
“That did the rounds on British social media for a while; lots of people still believe it.”
As useful as this would be, it’s a complete urban legend.
We Only Use 10% of Our Brains
“I hate this one. Our brain is a massive, fuel-guzzling organ that’s full of folds and wrinkles to increase its size. To make an organ that big and then only use 10% is stupid.”
There is no evidence to support this. On the contrary, modern data shows that humans use 100% of their brains.
You Will Catch a Cold if You Go Out With Wet Hair
All our grandmas berated us about this on at least one occasion.
“Utter hogwash. The only way you can catch a virus is by coming into direct contact with fluids infected with said virus.”
Carrots Make You See in the Dark
Talk about an old wives’ tale!
This nonsense stemmed from the fact that carrots contain vitamins that aid eye health, but the only way to see in the dark is by wearing night vision goggles.
Carrots Give You Curly Hair
What is it with carrots and garbage theories?!
Carrots do not make your hair curly, nor do bread crusts. If you want curly hair, invest in a perm or a good curling iron.
Lightning Never Strikes the Same Place Twice
“I mean, ask the Eiffel Tower.”
Not only is this garbage, but lightning can – and often does – strike the same spot multiple times.
Everything Happens for a Reason
“Sometimes bad things happen to people who don’t deserve it. It shouldn’t be that difficult to grasp.”
This seems to be the go-to consolation of folks who have nothing better to say.
If You Shave It, It’ll Grow Back Thicker
“Based on observation, the apparent change in thickness is due to the ends of the hair being cut rather than pointy as they would be if they grew straight from the root.”
According to the Mayo Clinic, “No — shaving hair doesn’t change its thickness, color or rate of growth. Shaving facial or body hair gives the hair a blunt tip.”
Vaccines Cause Autism
“My brother has autism. My parents still believe this. They aren’t stupid, but I think they just want something to blame other than accepting that they just got dealt a bad hand.”
Vaccines do not cause autism. Never have. Never will. Autism is genetic.
The Earth Is Flat
“People still think the Earth is flat. They’re morons, but they’re out there.”
A member of the Flat Earth Society famously stated they have members from “all around the globe.” That says it all.
Video Games Cause Violence
“There is literally no correlation.”
Even the American Psychological Association can vouch that this is garbage.
Black Cats Bring Bad Luck
“Because of this, black cats have the highest rate of euthanasia (74.6%) and the lowest rate of adoption (10.0%).”.
This mumbo-jumbo dates back to Greek mythology when the goddess Hera transformed a servant into a black cat as a punishment.
Eating Cheese Before Bed Gives You Nightmares
While a lot of people agree with this myth, no evidence backs it up.
Indigestion, yes. Nightmares, no.
If You Give Birth at Disney World, You Get a Free Lifetime Pass
This is a surprisingly popular myth but completely untrue at both the Florida and Paris locations.
You Need To Wait an Hour After Eating Before Going Into the Pool
“I think this rule has more to do with not wanting people to be sick in the pool from exerting themselves on a full stomach.”
It’s not wise to go into a pool directly after eating, but you won’t do your stomach any harm, and it certainly won’t kill you, per old wives’ tales.