Family Halloween Costumes You Haven’t Seen Yet

Can you believe that Halloween is already right around the corner? These Family Halloween Costume Ideas are a great way to start getting super pumped about one of the spookiest and most fun nights of the year. Don’t forget to gather your funny Halloween jokes too!

Dressing up as a family is crazy fun. And I just might be the type of mom that totally gets into it and I have no shame in admitting that. After all, if you can’t have a little bit of fun dressing up you and your family during this time of the year, what’s the point?! 


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While Halloween might be aimed towards kids and trick or treating, there’s no sense in letting an opportunity to play dress-up pass you by. I’m a firm believer that parents should be able to have fun, too. After all, you’re more than likely raiding their candy buckets after they go to bed anyway, right?

This year, get on board with dressing up and having fun. Trust me…these family costumes are just too perfect to pass up. Once you check these out, you can find even more Halloween Costume ideas right here!

Family Halloween Costume Ideas To Impress

Once the evening rolls around on Halloween, costumes and outfits are on and ready to “wow”. What that means for you and your crew is that you need time to stew and think about what you’re all going to wear. 

Part of the fun is thinking about Halloween costumes for groups and see how you can then make that idea work for your family. My suggestion? Pick out the costume for your child first, and then build everyone else’s around it or check out these ideas!

Check out this article we found explaining the history and real meaning of Halloween!

Mario Family Halloween Costumes

Who doesn’t want to dress as their favorite character from one of the best video game franchises of all time? These costumes are incredible and would be such a fun family costume! I LOVE that Bowser is even included!

Family Halloween Costume Ideas - The Mario Crew

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S’mores Family Halloween Costume

This is one of the most creative and adorable costumes we have come across! I love the wagon as the “fire”. Practical yet so adorable! Do you have the right number of family members for your own S’mores Halloween costume?
Family Halloween Costume Ideas The S'mores Family

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Wizard of Oz Family Costumes

As you can see, dressing up the family as Wizard of Oz characters is quite possibly one of the cutest ideas, ever. It is super easy to customize this one to any number of family members! Include Glenda the good witch, someone as a tornado, flying monkeys, and don’t forget ToTo. 

Family Halloween Costume Ideas Wizard of Oz Crew

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Monsters Inc. Group Halloween Costumes

We can all be a bit like monsters on any given day, right? Why not let those monsters out and have everyone in your family dress up as characters from the movie, Monsters Inc.? Mike and Sulley are a given but don’t forget about Boo and Roz. With so many fun monsters to choose from, you can totally recreate an epic scene from the movie!

Family Halloween Costume Ideas - Monsters Inc

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Game of Thrones Family Halloween Costume Ideas

I am not sure I even have accurate words for this one. This Game of Thrones family costume idea is incredible!! These guys have a ton of ideas for DIY costumes for them and their two kids.

I just love how captivating their costumes are! You can even find them on instagram to see more awesome ideas!

Family Halloween Costume Ideas - Game of thrones characters styled as tv poster

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Flamingo Family

You know what they say…birds of a feather, flock together. And when it comes to family, this is so true! One of the cutest and most simple family Halloween costume ideas is this DIY Flamingo.

Now, here me out…just picture this…you and your family walking down the street, going from house to house all dressed up like flamingos? Adorbs, right?! 

I think so, and I’m certain you’d be the hit of the night! Easy to make and such a cute and simple group costume idea!

Family Halloween Costume Ideas - Be a Flamingo Family

DIY Baby Shark Family Halloween Costume

I’m literally so excited about this costume. If you’re a parent, then you know how popular this song is and how it literally took the preschool world by storm. It just makes sense to change this song into the most epic group Halloween costume, ever! This DIY baby shark costume is perfect for all! 

There’s room for baby shark, mommy shark, daddy shark, and even grandma and grandpa shark can join in on the fun! 

The Sanderson Sisters – Hocus Pocus

A classic that never gets old! We often see this Sanderson Sisters costume on groups of adult friends or sisters but there is no reason the entire family can’t partake! I can think of so many fun twists and turns and additions to make this an entire Hocus Pocus family costume! You could add the magic book, Max and Dani Dennison, and even their mom and dad!

Family halloween costume - The Sanderson Sisters with Billy butcherson and binx

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LEGO Family Halloween Costume

Now the entire family can be various Halloween blocks! Choose different colors, make different sizes custom to the wearer, and even make lego heads if you’re feeling ambitious! We love this lego idea for Halloween!

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Troll Family Halloween Costume

Who didn’t love the movie Trolls? What I love most about this group Halloween costume is that it’s super simple to do and implement. In just a matter of a few moments, you can easily create Troll headbands for every member of your family.

The cool part about this DIY Troll pattern is that you can just change up the colors to get a whole new look for whoever you’re making this for in your family. 

Seriously, just the cutest, right?


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DIY Stranger Things Halloween Costume for Couples

The beautiful thing about families is that they come in all different shapes and sizes. And if your family happens to be just you and your spouse or partner, then this DIY Stranger Things Halloween Costume might be exactly what you’re looking for.

Jump on the bandwagon and showcase some fun with one of the most popular TV series out there right now!

Family of Superheroes

Don’t we all have a little superpower hidden somewhere deep inside? This Halloween, it’s time to let it shine. Have everyone in your family dress up as a superhero of their choice and show your town just how totally awesome your superhero family is! 

With choices like Captain America and Thor, you literally can’t go wrong with this fun family Halloween costume idea!

Related: Easy Halloween Crafts for Class Parties

The Peanuts Gang Family Costume

Everyone has a movie they can relate to when it comes to Charlie Brown and his crew! This Peanuts costume idea is definitely not one we see all that often which makes me love it even more! It’s likely you won’t have to tell a soul who you are supposed to be as these are pretty recognizable characters! 

I LOVE the idea of including the family pet as Snoopy!

Family dressed in halloween costumes as the peanuts gang

Related: 17 Jaw Dropping Halloween Treats

The Irwin Family

Everyone loves the original crocodile hunter, Steve Irwin! Why not dress up like The Irwin Family this Halloween and get those khakis out of your closet. The whole Irwin clan is the perfect family Halloween costume idea if you ask me! 

Don’t forget to get a stuffed crocodile or two as well to carry around with you wherever you’re trick-or-treating!

See how much fun planning out group Halloween costumes can be? With a little bit of creativity and imagination, you can almost turn any Halloween costume into one that is family-friendly.

Don’t forget to be safe when you’re out there trick-or-treating. Remember to look both ways before crossing the road and to never allow your children out of your site.

Let’s make this Halloween one of the best, and most fun, yet!

Traveling this Halloween and need a super simple idea? Check out these Halloween costume ideas for travelers!

Do you have any other family Halloween costume ideas to share?

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Farah Zeb is a mother of five, including two children with special needs. She shares practical parenting tips and resources to help other families navigate daily challenges and create supportive, nurturing environments.

Picture of Farah Zeb

Farah Zeb

Farah Zeb is a mother of five, including two children with special needs. She shares practical parenting tips and resources to help other families navigate daily challenges and create supportive, nurturing environments.

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