Becoming a mother is an experience that transforms your world in ways you never expected. For many, it’s about celebrating milestones, seeing your child grow, and watching them navigate the world.
But for me, becoming the mother of a son with special needs has shaped me into a person I never imagined I could be. My son, who is severely autistic, has taught me lessons I never knew I needed. Loving him has changed the way I see the world, and more importantly, it has changed the way I see myself.
Before my son was born, I had a clear picture of what motherhood would look like. I imagined the typical milestones, his first words, his first steps, and the joy of watching him interact with the world. But as soon as he was born,

I realized that our journey would be different. His milestones didn’t follow the conventional path I had pictured. At first, that felt daunting, even overwhelming. But over time, I understood that his journey is unique and beautiful.
The most important lesson he has taught me is patience. Patience has taken on a new meaning since he came into my life.
Watching him face challenges, some of which are invisible to the outside world, has given me a deeper understanding of what it means to be patient, not just with him but with myself as well.
There are days when I feel like I’m running on empty when I don’t know how I’ll make it through another day. But my son has shown me that patience isn’t just about waiting. It’s about being present, accepting where we are, and appreciating the small steps that lead to progress.

Patience, for me, has become about celebrating every small victory. While many parents celebrate their child’s first words or first steps, I celebrate his first attempts to communicate, no matter how small or imperfect. When he uses Proloquo2Go to express his needs, I feel a sense of pride that words can’t fully capture.
For many, using an app to communicate may seem simple, but for us, it’s a breakthrough, a moment where we’ve overcome a barrier that once seemed insurmountable. These small milestones are where the real beauty of our journey lies.
They may not be the traditional milestones I imagined before his birth, but they are just as important, if not more so.
Through my son, I’ve learned to embrace and appreciate the differences in the world. Our society often values conformity, and differences can sometimes feel like obstacles.
But my son has shown me that differences are not something to be feared or ignored but to be celebrated. His way of interacting with the world is different, but it is also rich and deep.
I have learned that there is beauty in seeing the world through his eyes. I’ve learned to focus less on fitting in and more on what makes us unique. His life has taught me to look at the world wonderfully and appreciate the beauty in the moments others might overlook.

Loving my son has shown me that love is not about perfection but acceptance. He may not always be able to communicate with words, but the love he gives is pure and unwavering.
The way he shows affection, though different from others, is profound and deeply meaningful. There are times when he will reach out to hold my hand or give me a look that tells me all I need to know.
Words are not always necessary for love to be felt. I’ve come to understand that love is not about grand gestures or words it’s about being there, showing up, and offering your heart in whatever way feels right.
When I look at my son, I am reminded of the power of unconditional love. Loving him has taught me to let go of expectations and embrace him for who he is, not for who I thought he might be.
I’ve learned that expectations can often hold us back, but love is true. Unconditional love has no such boundaries. I have learned to love him not for what he can do but for who he is.
His worth is not defined by his ability to meet traditional milestones; it is defined by the joy he brings into our lives, his uniqueness, and the way he continues to teach me more about love every day.
There have been moments when I felt overwhelmed and questioned my ability to keep going. There are days when it feels like we are stuck when progress seems to be moving at a glacial pace, and I wonder how we’ll ever reach the next milestone.
But even on those difficult days, I’ve learned to be grateful. I am grateful for the small moments of his smile, his laughter, the way he lights up when he sees something that excites him. These moments are treasures, reminding me to stay grounded and focused on what matters.

My son has also taught me the importance of gratitude. I’ve learned to appreciate things that I once took for granted. For instance, I now appreciate his moments of calm, which, in the past, may have seemed ordinary.
I now know how precious they are. His smile, sound, and presence fill me with a sense of gratitude I never experienced before. These small, everyday moments have become the highlight of my day. Gratitude has become a way of life, a mindset I now carry.
Beyond the lessons in patience and love, my son has shown me what true resilience looks like. He faces each day with courage, even though the world can sometimes feel overwhelming for him.
His determination to overcome obstacles is inspiring, even when they seem insurmountable. Watching him work through his challenges has pushed me to dig deeper within myself and find the strength I didn’t know I had.
He has shown me what it means to keep going, even when the road ahead feels uncertain.
As a mother, I have always wanted to protect my child, to shield him from the world’s difficulties. But my son has taught me that sometimes the hardest things in life are the things that make us stronger. He faces challenges with a bravery that humbles me.
He may not understand his struggles, but he approaches them head-on with resilience and determination. That kind of courage is something I strive to emulate every day.
There are days when I still feel uncertain and question what the future holds for my son. But I have learned that uncertainty is a part of life, and it’s okay not to have all the answers. What matters is the love and support we give each other along the way.
I don’t know what the future will bring, but I know we will face it together as a family with love, patience, and gratitude.
My son has made me a better person. Not because he has changed who I am but because he has opened my eyes to the things that matter most.
Through him, I have learned to embrace life’s challenges, celebrate small victories, and love without limits.
He has taught me to be more present, more patient, and appreciate the beauty in the moments that others might overlook. I am forever grateful to him for showing me the power of love, resilience, and gratitude.
Being his mother is the greatest gift I could ever receive, and I am blessed to walk this journey with him.
Farah Zeb is a mother of five, including two children with special needs. She shares practical parenting tips and resources to help other families navigate daily challenges and create supportive, nurturing environments.