Spook-tacular Halloween Jokes for Kids

With Halloween right around the corner, you’re going to love these funny Halloween jokes. It’s never too early to start planning out how you’re going to wow everyone on Halloween night, right? Aside from those fantastic family Halloween costumes, jokes are the biggest part of the holiday!

I’m a big jokester. I believe in the power of laughter all times of the year. But once the Halloween holiday starts to roll around, it’s time for me to start polishing up my Halloween humor. 

As a mom, I have my fair share of mom jokes…don’t get me wrong. (and even though my son might stare at me as I’m laughing hysterically at what I said, I still know I’m funny!) But once Halloween rolls around, I like to dust off my brain and freshen up on my funny Halloween jokes.

This year, I’m beyond prepared with a huge list of funny jokes for kids. (and adults!) The good news? I’m sharing all my funny Halloween jokes with all of you!

Funny Halloween Jokes kids love - kids in costume with halloween candy

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Halloween Jokes for Kids 

Before I just lay out all that comic gold, let’s talk about what makes a joke funny.

  • Puns are golden

No one can deny the power of puns. And if you can, throw out a few food puns as well. Food puns always go over really, really well.

  •  It’s all about the delivery

For a joke to be a hit, you have to deliver and sell it well. Some people have the gift of saying a joke once and getting the laugh…but me? I need to do a few practice rounds in my room!

Now that you know some of the simple tips, let’s get down to some funny Halloween humor!

Funny Halloween Jokes for Kids 

Teach your little one some of these funny jokes for kids. These jokes are certain to get a laugh! (especially when told by an adorable child in a Halloween costume!)

What’s a witch’s favorite subject in school?


What do you call two witches living together?

Broom mates!

hat did the skeleton bring to the potluck?

Spare Ribs!

Why didn’t the skeleton dance at the Halloween party?

Because he didn’t have any body to dance with!

What instrument does a skeleton play?

The trombone.

What do ghosts turn on in summer?

The scare-conditioner.

Why did the zombie decide to stay in his coffin?

He felt rotten.

Why doesn’t anyone like Count Dracula?

He’s a real pain in the neck!

What does a skeleton say before dinner?

Bone Appetit!

What do you get when you cross a Witch with sand?

A sand witch!

How do you fix a broken Jack-0-Lantern?

You use an orange pumpkin patch!

What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?


funny halloween jokes - kids in costume trick or treating

Halloween Knock-Knock Jokes

Knock-knock jokes are forever popular. Everyone loves a good knock-knock joke and during the Halloween holiday, there are some real gems! 

Knock Knock.

Who’s there?


Boo who?

It’s just a joke – you don’t have to cry about it!


Knock, Knock.

Who’s there?


Bee who?

Bee-ware, there’s a full moon this Halloween!


Knock, Knock.

Who’s there?


Uh, Ben who?

Ben waiting all year for Halloween.


Knock, Knock.

Who’s there?


Okay, Curry who?

Curry my bag of candy.


Knock, Knock.

Who’s there?


Frank who?

Frankenstein, that’s who.


Knock, Knock.

Who’s there?


Hope who?

I hope you’ll give me Halloween candy.


Knock, Knock.

Who’s there?


Phillip who?

Please Phillip my bag with Halloween candy, please.


Knock, Knock.

Who’s there?


Witches who?

Can you tell me Witches the way to the haunted house?


Knock, Knock.

Who’s there?


Hope who?

I hope you’ll give me some yummy Halloween candy!


Trick or Treat Jokes for Halloween Night


What would you get if you crossed a vampire and a teacher?

Lots of blood tests!


Why wasn’t there any food left after the monster party?’

Because everyone there was a goblin.


Who did Frankenstein take to the prom?

His “ghoul friend”.


What is a baby ghost’s favorite game?



Why is a cemetery a great place to write a story?

Because there are so many plots there!

I’m on a roll, right?

funny halloween jokes - kids in halloween costumes around jack o lanterns

Halloween humor and traditions

If you’re one of those adults that like to dress up and get in on the action, that’s even better!

My trick-or-treating is limited to whatever comes home in the basket of my child..but I can assure you that I get in my good share of Reeses and Tootsie Rolls. (and if I can wrangle a snicker or two, I’m down!)

  • Create costumes together as a family

Why join in on the chaos of shopping for a Halloween costume at the store when you can stay at home and make them yourself? Homemade costumes are way cooler because that means that they’re 100% unique.

How many times can you recall growing up that you see something else trick-or-treating in the same store bought costume as you?

This year, change that. Make it a new tradition in your home that you and your kids make your costumes, homemade. Not only does this ensure that you’ll have a unique and fun costume, but it’s a great way to bond.

  • Candy Swap

One of the best parts about coming home after a night of trick-or-tracking is dumping out all the candy on the floor and ripping through it to see what candy you’re wanting to trade.

You’ll be amazed at what your kids don’t like and what you do..and with a little bit of trading and negotiation, you just might score a giant pile of Milk Duds (or whatever else you love) with very little effort. 

  • Halloween stations

We’ve done this in our neighborhood and it’s quite cool. I’ve seen apple cider stations, weenie roast stations, and homemade smores.

Each station is well-lit and have it to where kid and parents can walk right up and grab a quick bite to eat. You can even make some delicious Halloween Treats to set out!  

See how fun it can be to bring humor and traditions together on Halloween?! 

Where to find funny Halloween jokes

Halloween jokes don’t just fall out of thin air, right? They’ve got to be created by someone. I’m often asked by people where I get my Halloween jokes from and honestly, it comes down to just a few great sources.

First off, kids are a great place to get funny jokes from. Seriously, they make up the best jokes. Sit down and talk to them and see what comes out of their mouth.

After that, I turn to my favorites…the internet and books. Head down to the local library and check out some Halloween joke books. There are so many there that you won’t have any problem finding them. Then, once you read a joke that you like, memorize it or take a picture with your phone camera to remember it for later.

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