A 22-year-old woman confessed to Reddit’s Am I The A**hole (AITA) to making a little girl cry and does not feel guilty about it. She explained that she boarded a 9-hour flight and was traveling alone, something that she was upset about as she was leaving her family for a while.
Finding the flight difficult already, she got to get a pre-booked window seat to find a child sitting in it with her dad in the middle seat. Looking at the dad, the woman pointed at the window seat to indicate that it was her designated seat, so she expected him to move.
The Child Did Not Want to Move
The man looked at the child and then the woman and said she was a child and pointed at the aisle seat to infer the OP should sit there.
The OP’s dad called her and told her she should sit in the seat she paid for, which she relayed to the kid’s father.
The little girl immediately began crying, which the woman felt terrible about, but she held her ground on the advice of her dad. The little girl eventually moved to the middle seat, but the OP made sure she sat back in her seat so that the girl could see out of the window.
The Dad Made Snide Remarks Throughout The Flight
The woman reached out to AITA readers to see if she was right to stand her ground as she had paid for the seat. She told of the snide remarks the little girl’s dad made a couple of times throughout the flight, which made her doubt her actions slightly. While there is a little hint of guilt, it was not enough to stop her from moving the little girl, so it seems she was heading to AITA to validate her lack of regret.
One Reddit user was very clear in their support for the OP when they said, “You bought a seat to be able to use it, and the father in this situation knew that the seat he put his child in wasn’t theirs to use. “ Many others agreed that if the dad knew his daughter would want to sit in a window seat, he should have pre-booked one for her.
It was pointed out that if the dad knew that his daughter would get upset, then he should have set her expectations by not sitting her in the window seat, to begin with. One reader said, “I don’t agree that the father should have sat his daughter there without even asking, polite or not.”
There Should Have Been Room To Compromise
Some readers pointed out that there could have been some sort of compromise if the father was less pushy from the beginning and the OP understood how the little girl would feel. One person suggested that “many people would be willing to at least temporarily switch seats so the child can watch the takeoff and climb because many of us remember our first times flying and being amazed at the experience.”
So many people were glad to see this post as they relayed that they have been put in the same position by parents who think that their children should get whatever they want. One Reddit fan said “So I’m glad OP stood up for herself and went back and got her seat! NTA’
While many people empathized with the little girl’s tears, ultimately, they felt that the dad was the real a**hole of the story as he should have ordered a window seat for his daughter and, at the very least, set her expectations that she could only sit in the window seat until the person who booked the seat arrived.
Source: Reddit