Are you dreading the thought of having to actually bake something for Valentine’s Day? This is why
These candy kabobs are also great for kids to join in on the fun as well. There’s literally nothing to worry about when you’re having your kids make these treat kabobs on their own. (besides the fact that they might poke themselves with the kabobs so be aware of that!)
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Super Cute Valentine Candy Kabobs
It never fails that the duty of mom and dads is really never-ending. And once Valentine’s Day rolls around, there’s a good chance that sweets and treats are on the brains of everyone that you know.
While baking up homemade goodies is always fun, there’s no shame in the fact that you just might not have time for that. Instead of trying to squeeze it in and make it happen, why not try a different route this year where there is less stress and no worry.
With these simple Valentine’s Day treat recipes, you’ll be able to rest easy knowing that you don’t even have to turn on your oven, at all.
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How many pieces of candy can you fit on the kabobs?
This is really going to have to be dependent on what types of candy you find and use. I would say that depending on how strong the kabobs are, you can fit anywhere from 7-10 pieces of candy on each and every kabob.
What are some good candy choices for candy kabobs?

There are so many great candy choices out there to choose from. We’re in a big fan of anything sour and gummy so you really can’t go wrong with those in our house.
We also like to use marshmallows or fluffy fun food items like that. Basically, anything that is substantial that can stay on the kabob is free game!

Could you alter these candy kabobs in any way?
You can! This is part of the reason why I really love this fun candy treat. You can use strawberries, grapes, or any other type of fruit as well.
If you’re looking for a fun way to present chocolate-covered strawberries for Valentine’s Day, this is a pretty cool idea to do!
Who would enjoy these simple candy kabobs?
Anyone! Talk about the perfect Valentine’s Day gift that you can give to anyone! Make up some candy kabobs and drop them off at houses or consider this for a fun party idea for school parties.
You can easily bring all the candy items needed to class and let everyone make up their own delicious kabobs.
Where is the best place to find candy for this Valentine’s Day treat?
We’ve had really good luck at candy stores or places like that. Otherwise, I do know that online outlets have some fun candy options as well.
Check with your local supermarkets too because there is typically a really good candy selection too.

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How to make these Candy Kabobs
Candy skewers are one of my faves, they look absolutely adorable. And guess what… There really is no recipe. (sometimes just winging it is the best!)
Literally, all you need to do is get a bamboo skewer, slide a bunch of your favorite candies on them and serve them up to enjoy! We picked shades and shapes and flavors to best match Valentine’s Day, but honestly, this could be made with any color combination and for any holiday. It’s just so versatile and fun!
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Other fun ways to showcase these Candy Kabobs
This is what makes it so great. You can make these up and display them however you want.
Put them together and lay them out on a festive plate.
Create them as a candy bouquet and tie them together with a fun balloon.
Grab a vase and put them in there to look like candy flowers!
As you can tell there are so many great ways that you can display these delicious candy kabobs! They’re fun, festive, easy and require minimal effort.

How long will these candy kabobs last?
Since there is nothing to really worry about on these kabobs that need any type of care, they’re going to last as long as you want them to. The longer that you leave them out, the harder that the candy is going to get.
If you place them in a storage bag you can easily keep them fresh for a few more days.
Have fun making these simple candy kabobs! They really are the perfect Valentine’s Day treat!

Farah Zeb is a mother of five, including two children with special needs. She shares practical parenting tips and resources to help other families navigate daily challenges and create supportive, nurturing environments.