A woman asked if she was wrong for wanting her husband to lift a finger at home and help her raise their child.
He Doesn’t Help At All.
She does everything at home and can’t get any time for herself. “My husband doesn’t seem to understand that I need a break, even if just for a few hours, over the weekend. At this point, I have given up on trying to get him to help me more during the week, but I am hoping that I might get him to watch our son for a few hours over the weekend so I can have time for myself. Really all I want is just enough time to take a short nap.”
She’s Barely Recovered From The Birth.
The woman is utterly exhausted. “We have a son that is only a few months old, and I am the one that primarily takes care of him. He is a very good baby, and I love him so much, but he absolutely exhausts me to the point where I feel like I never get a chance to recover. Probably a lot of this is due to the fact that my husband almost never helps me with our son during the week.”
He’s A Workaholic.
The husband seems to be caught up in his work and is neglecting his wife and child.
“On occasion, he’ll watch our son while I fix dinner or change him if I’m busy, but he almost always comes home from work and goes straight into his office and closes the door.”
It’s Not Enough.
The man occasionally plays with his son but never helps out more than that.
“He does sometimes later play with our son a bit before we go to bed, but that is basically all the help I receive from him during the week. I have tried to get more help from him during the week, but I’ve given up on it at this point. I just don’t think I can demand more help from him since his job requires so much.”
He’s Never There During The Weekend.
Not only is the husband barely present during the week, but he’s also away every weekend too.
“My husband is a very big golfer, so he has spent almost every weekend since our son was born golfing. Usually, he takes Saturday AND Sunday to golf, so he’s out of the house from 5 am-5 pm. He could be home much sooner, but he thinks part of his ‘golfing’ is spending several hours hanging out around his club with his buddies drinking.”
Absolutely Clueless.
“I have asked him many times to consider only going one day or leaving right after he finishes his game, but he absolutely refuses. He gets very upset and tells me that he needs time to relax and de-stress as if I sit around and do nothing all week with our son. I just don’t think he realizes how much I do around our home because he acts like I have no reason to be tired or want him to help me more.”
She’s At Her Wits’ End.
And is worried she’s in the wrong here.
“I don’t know what else to tell him at this point. I honestly never thought he would be so absent once we started a family, so I’m extremely disappointed in him. Maybe he’s not the problem and I am. Maybe I’m just not doing a good job at mothering.”
She’s Not Sure What’s Happened.
This behavior is new.
“I never saw this coming. He was very involved during my pregnancy. No idea what happened.”
She Asked For Advice.
The woman logged onto an online community to seek some help.
“If anyone has any ideas about how I can get him to help me more, then please share them! Or if you think I should just leave him alone, then I’d be interested to hear that as well.”
Husband From The 1950s.
Users assured her that she wasn’t in the wrong here. One user didn’t hold back: “Your husband is wrong, sorry to be blunt. He’s not being a husband and he’s not being a father. He needs to step up and start being a PARTNER. Your husband hasn’t bonded because he’s done ZERO care-taking, and that’s the Dad’s way to bond. Not only that, he is disparaging the work you do and belittling your need for time off.”
Men Should Step Up.
One user shared this: “Seriously, your husband is the kind of ‘father’ my older brother would rip a new one in 5 seconds flat. With both of his daughters, he has shared parenting responsibilities 50-50. When my sis-in-law had a C-section, he did ALL the diapers for 6 weeks while she recovered, unless he was at work. He did the bathing and they did all bedtime routines together (and still do, 5 years down the line). He gets to go out 1 night a week, and she gets to go out 1 night a week, and they have a date night twice a month. He does potty training, diapers, feeding, gets up at night on weekends, takes them to swim lessons, etc.”
He Is Being Unreasonable.
When the woman asked him why he doesn’t help at home on the weekends, he explained he needs his “personal time.”
Which this user pooh-poohed: “Well if he wanted ‘personal time’, he shouldn’t have had a baby. Babies are a 24/7 commitment for both parents. Tell him if he wants to be just a wallet and have no involvement in raising the child, that’s called being divorced. Then he can have all the personal time he wants, send you money, and never see his kid, and you can marry someone who will actually be a father. I know that’s harsh, but so is what he’s doing.”
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She Demands Her Brother Share His Daughter’s Inheritance With Her Stepdaughter – Who Wasn’t Bequeathed Anything!
When it comes to family dynamics, few things can stir up emotions, quite like inheritance disputes. A contentious situation has emerged in an unfolding saga that tests the bonds of blood and challenges the concept of fairness. At the center of this narrative stands a sister who adamantly demands her brother to share his daughter’s inheritance with her stepdaughter, who, to her dismay, was not bequeathed anything. She Demands Her Brother Share His Daughter’s Inheritance With Her Stepdaughter – Who Wasn’t Bequeathed Anything!
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