She Got Tired of Her Sister in Law Insulting Her Children and Decided to Get Back at Her. Was It Worth It?

A woman took to Reddit’s ‘Petty Revenge’ forum to call out her sister-in-law (SIL) for insulting her children and revealing all of her lies.

The original poster (OP) gives readers a picture of her SIL by explaining she always has to be better than everyone else and makes out her kids are more intelligent, kinder, better, etc., than all other kids.

The bragging SIL is an issue for the OP, mainly when the OP and her husband had twins. After the birth of the twins, the SIL became extra competitive and bragged non-stop about her better life.

Things became pretty petty by all accounts, with the OP saying, “One of my girls rolled over at four months. Her son had rolled over when he was just a week old.“

You get the picture. In one eye-watering move, the SIL changed her children’s birth weight papers to outdo the OP.

While the annoying lies could be tolerated to some extent, things changed for the OP when the SIL went on to insinuate that her kids had something wrong with them, implying that they did not meet their milestones and becoming obsessed with one of the twins’ speeches.

Not content with just airing her feeling to family members, the SIL called a friend in the Early Intervention team and asked them to call the OP’s child as she was concerned.

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