Every generation has its peculiarities. Most label it as an “old person thing” when asked why grandpa or grandma does something strange. The justification from the other side is that “it was the way things were back in our day.”
With that in mind, here are some things Boomers do that millennials find aggravating.
Randomly Popping In for a Visit.
There’s nothing wrong with visiting your children. But turning up unannounced can be frustrating. If you want to see your kids, ring first and see if it’s okay. Popping in suddenly can mean that plans are put on hold while your kids have to be hospitable to you.
Please, we all have lives, and it is common courtesy to ask if it’s okay to come over for a visit.
Talking About How You Should Buy a House
Back in the day, buying a house was the thing to do. That seemed to be one of the rules of life, as though one is running through a checklist:
It was a lot easier to purchase a house back in the 1950s. However, millennials have a different take on life. Some enjoy being transient without needing to be bogged down with a mortgage. For others, it is financially hard to get their first home.
So, baby boomers, stop nagging about “I had a house when I was your age” and cut millennials some slack.
Printing Emails and Website Content
Emails are meant to be read digitally, deleted, or left to reside forever in your inbox. Website content will be consumed online, and pages are bookmarked if you want to return to them.
Baby boomers need to print off all their emails and every page they have visited. It’s as though they are trying to archive some secret legacy that they want to leave behind.
We want to avoid coming and sifting through boxes and boxes of printed, banal information that one considers worthy of squirreling away.
Read the content online, and please… don’t print out the stuff.
The Idea That Your Job Is Your Life
Boomers love to recount their careers and how they were thankful “I had a job.” Back then, it was as though they lived to work, and their job was the most essential thing in the world. They expect you to give 110% commitment to your boss.
Nowadays, we have a work/life balance. Sure, some people enjoy their job, but others will tell you how much their work sucks. Also, there is a tendency to change jobs several times during a career. So, baby boomers…your work does not equal your life.
Not Recycling
We live in a disposable society. Yet we also have to be environmentally conscious so that this planet survives.
Baby boomers tend to think that recycling is a waste of time. They use tin foil and plastic bags for everything and mindlessly throw them in the bin. They find the concept of recycling annoying and a waste of time.
It may be okay for them to live for now, but we have an Earth that needs TLC. Recycling is one way we show love for our planet.
Your Appearance Determines Your Employment Status.
In the Boomer days, the dress code was suits and ties, with women dressed formally. Crew cuts were the standard hairstyle for men. If you wanted to land a job, you had to look the part.
Fast forward to the 1980s and 1990s, when punk was still somewhat fashionable, dyed hair was cool, and piercings started to pop up all over people’s faces.
The goths began to emerge from their dark hovels and show their scours to society. Tattoos became cool, and just about everybody got one.
These styles don’t make it hard for someone to land a job. In fact, it can reflect that a person is more cutting-edge, which can put them in front of the crowd when applying for jobs.
Baby boomers will balk at such a suggestion.
Society Changes
Some say history never repeats, and we may say, “Thank God for that.” On the other hand, one generation’s habits can become annoying to future generations. We are left wondering why our parents or grandparents are fuddy-duddies.
It’s because of the values and ideals they grew up with. The scary thing is that one day you might be classed as fuddy-duddy by your kids and grandkids.
The Idea That Kids Today Are Too Soft
“No, we didn’t create a toxic culture of reckless individuality that destroyed the environment; you’re just entitled.”
The Entitlement Everyone Else Has
Boomers seem to think that all millennials are entitled instead of working for what they want.
Millennials Take Aim At Boomer Complaints
The whole “ok boomer” thing does not apply to all of you. Just the ones gaslighting all younger generations on obvious disparities in our socioeconomic opportunities. Please stop taking that phrase as generational condemnation.